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Copying-Moving an archive RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Nico Dudek

Joined: Aug 29, 2018
Messages: 17
Hi James, First I hope you are healthy and well!

I just have a question: I backuped my MacMini with Qrecall (QR) on an external HD and now want to move my archive to a new external HD with more space to avoid a complete new backup procedure. On the new HD I also installed the same system version of High Sierra with same username to be safe in case my MacMini crashes.

After copying the archive I was asked to reindex it. Is this normal and worth to do? Or would you recommend a new archive instead of moving the old one?

Thanks for your answer in advance

Best from Germany

Nico Dudek
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576
Nico Dudek wrote:Hi James, First I hope you are healthy and well!

Everyone here is well, thank you!

After copying the archive I was asked to reindex it. Is this normal and worth to do? Or would you recommend a new archive instead of moving the old one?

That is not normal. Simply copying an archive should not corrupt it. However, if some other action were to modify the archive while it was being copied, then that will mess up the copy. Before copying/moving an archive, I suggest you hold all scheduled actions to make sure nothing starts during the copy.

You can try a reindex. A reindex simply rebuilds the various index files QRecall needs to access the archive data more efficiently, but it does not in any way try to repair that data. So if a reindex is successful, your archive is intact and undamaged. If the reindex fails then the archive data was corrupted during the copy. If you don't still have the original, it's easiest to just start over. If you do have the original, verify it and then try copying it again (making sure no other actions are running).

As a rule, you can freely relocate and rename archives as you please. After moving it, open up an action for that archive, click on the archive action button, pick "Choose Archive", and select the relocated archive. That action now refers to the archive at its new location. Save and close that action. If you have other actions, QRecall will offer to relocate those for you.

Let us know if you have any other questions.

- QRecall Development -
Nico Dudek

Joined: Aug 29, 2018
Messages: 17
Thanks, perfect!
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