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David Kaminsky

Joined: May 17, 2009
Messages: 2
I'm trying out QRecall in an effort to ditch Retrospect for myself and a few of my clients. I've just started creating some test archives and have a couple of questions. I've looked through the forum but don't see what I'm looking for.

After stopping a backup in progress by clicking the X circle in the QRecall Activity window I get the warning: "The layer created by this capture is incomplete and may be missing items. Use caution when recalling items in this layer." If I start the backup again will the incomplete files (if QRecall doesn't finish the file it was copying when cancelled) be recopied? Do I need to merge the last 2 layers?

I assume the archive files are treated as just files and can be copied themselves and put back in place if needed.

Thanks for your assistance.

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
David Kaminsky wrote:If I start the backup again will the incomplete files (if QRecall doesn't finish the file it was copying when cancelled) be recopied?
Yes. QRecall always captures every file and folder that differs from what's in the archive. So the next capture will capture everything the incomplete layer missed, along with anything else that might have changed since the incomplete layer was captured.

Do I need to merge the last 2 layers?
You can, if you like. Merging any earlier layer with a complete layer leaves a complete layer. I prefer to merge incomplete layers with complete ones to avoid any "confusion" in the future. But if you choose to keep the incomplete layer for some reason, it won't affect how QRecall behaves.

I assume the archive files are treated as just files and can be copied themselves and put back in place if needed.
The archive itself is a package (a directory of files that acts as a single file in the Finder). It can be copied, moved, renamed, synchronized, or backed up like any other document.

Thanks for your assistance.
My pleasure.

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