You probably have stale status information. QRecall caches a copy of the archive's status (so it can be displayed when the archive is off-line). If the path/alias to the archive has changed, the copy of the status gets disconnected from the actual archive and you end up with two statuses—one active and one stale.
Bob Tyson wrote:One reason is that after formatting an archive volume and making a new backup that failed, and produced warning messages, I trashed that faulty QR archive file and re-created a new one in QR, then made an action that completed the new complete archive and subsequently an incremental backup. The whole process proceeded quickly and the status window reports this most recent archive and backup cycle as healthy.
Now I know this is what's happened. Reformatting a volume is almost guaranteed to break the alias records that QRecall uses to locate archives.
Open the archive status window. Find the stale ones (they will report that they haven't been captured or verified in days or weeks), right/control+click on one, and choose
Forgetting a status is always harmless. It simply discards the cached copy of the archive's status. If you forget an active archive, there's no harm; it will reappear in the list the next time it's captured or verified.
Tip: Right/control+click on an archive's status. If the "Reveal in Finder" command is disabled, then QRecall can't locate the archive this status belongs to. Either it's off-line or the connection between the status and the archive is broken.
You can find a little more about the status window in Help > QRecall Help > Guide > The Basics > Status Window.