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Auto install system components error message RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Richard Morris

Joined: Dec 6, 2009
Messages: 6
Every time I start QRecall I get an error in the log that says:

Auto-install system components
Could not install monitor
Unable to locate executable in monitor application bundle

QRecall appears to be working okay but I have only been running it a few weeks so I could be missing some functionality and not realise. Any thoughts on the error message and how to fix it?

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568

Please use QRecall to send a diagnostic report (Help > Send Report...) and I'll look into it.

- QRecall Development -
Richard Morris

Joined: Dec 6, 2009
Messages: 6
Thanks James, the report has been sent.

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568

There's something wrong with your installation of QRecall. The error that you're getting is an internal error. It says that QRecall can't find one of its components inside the QRecall application bundle. That should never happen.

Follow these steps:

(1) Uninstall QRecall by opening the QRecall application, holding down the Shift and Option keys, and choosing the QRecall > Quit and Uninstall command.

(2) Download a fresh copy of QRecall (http://www.qrecall.com/download/).

(3) Replace your existing QRecall with the new copy.

(4) Launch QRecall, choose QRecall > Preferences, go to the Authorization tab, and pre-authorize QRecall again.

Let me know if that solves the problem.

- QRecall Development -
Richard Morris

Joined: Dec 6, 2009
Messages: 6
That fixed it. Seems to be starting and backing up without any error messages now.

Thanks for the prompt reply James.
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