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Delete from Archive and Capture? RSS feed
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Nicholas Sloan

Joined: Jul 4, 2008
Messages: 18
In the QRecall Help (Delete Item) it tells you how to delete items from an archive and then says: "You can also delete volumes or folders that you no longer wish to capture."

I know how to add excluded folders to a capture action, but is it possible to delete items from an archive and at the same time tell QR not to capture them in future? That would be a very handy feature, but I can't see how it might be done.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572

It's a two step process:

I know how to add excluded folders to a capture action

(1) The first step is to do just that. Open your capture actions and add the file or folders you want excluded to the Filter section of the capture action.

In the QRecall Help (Delete Item) it tells you how to delete items from an archive

(2) Then do that; open the archive, select the item(s) you excluded in step 1 and choose the Archive > Delete Item... command.

Step 2 removes all traces of that item from the archive, and step 1 prevents those items from being recaptured.

- QRecall Development -
Nicholas Sloan

Joined: Jul 4, 2008
Messages: 18
Ah, then I misunderstood the help. It would be neat though if you could look through an archive and prune out unnecessary stuff directly. With more than a few exclusions, much easier than doing it with Finder and the Action dialog. Would this be a viable feature request?
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Nicholas Sloan wrote:Would this be a viable feature request?

Honestly, that would be a little tricky. I have some other filtering features planned for a future version of QRecall which might obviate the need for such a feature. I'll add it to the request list and revisit it again after version 1.3.

- QRecall Development -
Nicholas Sloan

Joined: Jul 4, 2008
Messages: 18
Pretty low priority James; let?s see what 1.2 looks like first.

And on the subject of filters, is there any way to determine the path of a folder in the filters list? For instance I have one action to capture Library and ~Library. I want to exclude the Printers folder in one Lib but not the other. If I drag one of the Printers folders into the filter list, it shows up as ?Printers?. When I come back to the dialogue later, is there any way to determine which folder it is?

And if not, can I suggest a contextual menu? Show in Finder? or a tooltip giving the path? (Perhaps this is taken care of in 1.2?)
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Nicholas Sloan wrote:And on the subject of filters, is there any way to determine the path of a folder in the filters list?
And if not, can I suggest a contextual menu ?Show in Finder? or a tooltip giving the path? (Perhaps this is taken care of in 1.2?)

I'm improving the interface for filtered and captured items in 1.2. In the mean time, 1.1 already has a tooltip to the given path. I have found Leopard/Snow Leopard tooltips to be a little erratic. If you're not seeing a tooltip when you hover over the item, switch to another application (like the Finder) and then back to QRecall. That usually wakes them up.

- QRecall Development -
Nicholas Sloan

Joined: Jul 4, 2008
Messages: 18
Ah yes, I see it now. Thanks James.
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