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Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Gary Porter

Joined: May 9, 2007
Messages: 2
Version 1.0.0(40) beta ( OS X 10.4.9
Cannot create support folder
Unable to save action document

When I try to save actions from the capture windows I get the above 2 log entries whether trying to save from the file>save menu or by closing the capture window and selecting save. When I do the latter the capture window comes back and will not close until i press the don't save button.

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576
Hello Gary,

This problem showed up in 1.0.0(37), but I thought it was resolved. Could you e-mail me your log file (~/Library/Logs/QRecall/QRecall.log)? You can attach it and send it directly to james@qrecall.com.

A substantial number of log messages were added to diagnose what the problem might be. Hopefully it will explain what's going on.


- QRecall Development -
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576
Hello again,

Thanks for the log file. For some reason your QRecall preferences folder is owned by root so the QRecall application couldn't create a new Actions sub folder.

To fix it, open up the Preferences folder in your home Library folder. Find and select the QRecall folder then choose File > Get Info. In the Info window, expand the Owner & Permissions details, click on the padlock, and change the owner of the folder to garyporter. That should fix the problem.

In the mean time I'll investigate how you ended up with a QRecall folder owned by root.

I assume that this is your first installation of QRecall?
It appears from the log that the first thing you did was to authenticate QRecall to use administrative privileges, and then you ran a capture.
I'll repeat that sequence here and see if I can reproduce the problem.

Be sure to let me know if you have any other issues.


- QRecall Development -
Gary Porter

Joined: May 9, 2007
Messages: 2
Thanks for the speedy and expert support. Your fix works. I have another question. I know this is like using an F25 fighter (your ap) when a piper cub would do ---- ha ha ---- But if i only want to save a single merged file of my backups each day (no other QR files or layers) when in the Action window should I select rolling merge, keep mostrecent set to zero and nothing in the other followed by blocks so that it falls through to merge all remaining layers into a single layer? Thanks...Love the AP......Gary
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576

F25s are fun to own, even if you just use it to get the mail.

A rolling merge is close to what you want, but has one tiny hiccup; Any layers created today are considered part of the "recent" tier (even if most recent is set to 0) and are never merged.

To get what you're asking for, create a simple Merge action instead of a Rolling Merge action. Set the merge criteria to

From: 0 layers after first layer
Through: 0 layers before last layer

That action will merge every layer in the archive into a single layer. Schedule it run immediate after your daily capture.

I'm glad you enjoy the app.

- QRecall Development -
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