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Auto-mount networked drive? RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Chris Caouette

Joined: Aug 30, 2008
Messages: 39
I have some folders on a time capsule disk that I want to automate a weekly backup of. I thought it was supposed to automount and eject these drives now but it isn't doing that. Is this an issue unique to networked drives?

Lots of Macs here!
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576
QRecall will attempt to auto-mount, and eject, the volume containing the archive. The capture assumes items to be captured are already reachable, and will simply ignore any that aren't.

There are two (simple) strategies for capturing intermittently available items. One is to create a captured action triggered by a "Capture Item Volume Connects" event schedule. This will trigger the capture action to start as soon as the volume containing the item to capture is mounted.

Another alternative is to schedule the action to run at regular intervals, but use a schedule condition to "Hold if no capture items". That will queue the action to start, but suspend it until the item(s) appear to be online.

Both of these assume that the items are occasionally mounted by you or some other process. (If they're never mounted, it's assumed there are no changes to capture.)

If you have volumes that never get mounted, you'll need to do some work. The simplest would be to write a prolog script that mounted the items to capture, then attach that script to the capture action. When the capture action starts, it will run the script, which should mount the item, and then let the capture proceed.

- QRecall Development -

Joined: Jan 4, 2023
Messages: 2
It is possible that the issue you are experiencing is related to networked drives. When you connect to a networked drive, it may not automatically mount to your computer's file system like a local drive would. Instead, you may need to manually connect to the networked drive using the appropriate software or operating system features.

To automate the backup of your folders on the time capsule disk, you could try using a tool or script that is designed to connect to networked drives and perform backups. There are a variety of options available, including free and paid software programs and custom scripts that you can create yourself.

If you continue to have problems automating the backup of your folders on the time capsule disk, you may want to consult the documentation or support resources for the time capsule or the backup software you are using. They may have additional troubleshooting tips or guidance specific to your situation.
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