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Iain Farquhar

Joined: Jul 23, 2010
Messages: 2
currently struggling with Time Machine on a NAS and thought I'd try QRecall.
Backed up 225Gb in about 5 hours or so, so that was fine.
Recalled my desktop (happens to be quite a large amount of data as I've got an email archive there)

Dismayed to find that all the data is copied back to my drive in a location as follows.

MBP HD:private:tmp:InstantRecall.501:QRecall-30160298357esktop

I've quit QRecall but the file stays there.

I would like to look at the backups without copying them back to my drive, does QRecall do this?

If not then is there any way to navigate throught the folder hierarchy without clicking triangles repeatedly to reveal nested folders?

I would really like a more sophisticated way to navigate my backup without copying all the files back to my boot drive.

Any thoughts?


James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Iain Farquhar wrote:Recalled my desktop (happens to be quite a large amount of data as I've got an email archive there)

Dismayed to find that all the data is copied back to my drive in a location as follows.

MBP HD:private:tmp:InstantRecall.501:QRecall-30160298357esktop

That's QRecall's "instant recall" feature. It reassembles a file from the archive into the system's temporary directory (/private/tmp) and opens it, allowing you quick access to items in your archive. It isn't intended as a way of browsing a large number of items.

I've quit QRecall but the file stays there.

Restart your computer or wait 3 days. The system periodically deletes items in the temporary folder that haven't been accessed in awhile, or whenever the system is restarted.

I would like to look at the backups without copying them back to my drive, does QRecall do this?

That's what the archive window is for.

I would really like a more sophisticated way to navigate my backup without copying all the files back to my boot drive.

A completely rewritten archive browser is currently under development and will be debuted shortly as a beta. If you'd like to try out the new browser and provide feedback and suggestions during development, I encourage you to download and install the beta at www.qrecall.com/download.

- QRecall Development -
Iain Farquhar

Joined: Jul 23, 2010
Messages: 2

thanks for the reply.

I guess a more flexible archive browser would be really useful and address my main concerns.

In addition I wonder if a dismissable warning that a recall will copy all the selected files to a temporary directory on the boot drive (and perhaps an option to instantly delete them after use) would be useful. There could be check box to prevent such warnings appearing in the future.

As I said the backup side of things seems fine but the devil is often in the restore.


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