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Cody Frisch

Joined: Aug 21, 2010
Messages: 11
I think it would be nice to see the "actions" list available through a menubar item, easily suspend, stop, reschedule, and pause.

Also I'd love to see "grouping" in the actions list. Mostly for organization purposes since it shouldn't matter beyond that really. Just group by archive, though obviously once can sort now, it would be nice to have everything for one archive then sorted by capture, merge, compact, etc.

I'd also love to see "end actions". When one action completes it automatically calls another action. Rather than relying on the scheduler having a different time.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Cody Frisch wrote:I think it would be nice to see the "actions" list available through a menubar item, easily suspend, stop, reschedule, and pause.

That's an excellent suggestion. I'm adding to the wish list now.

Also I'd love to see "grouping" in the actions list. Mostly for organization purposes since it shouldn't matter beyond that really. Just group by archive, though obviously once can sort now, it would be nice to have everything for one archive then sorted by capture, merge, compact, etc.

I've had similar requests to this in the past, but I'm loath to add complexity unless it also adds functionality.

As for grouping actions, most installations of QRecall have, at most, six to eight actions. I'd consider some kind of grouping if it solved some specific problem, but right now my thinking is "how lost can you get with eight items?"

Would something like the ability to sub-sort on other columns be sufficient? That is, sort first by archive and then by action (or next run time, or schedule, ...).

I'd also love to see "end actions". When one action completes it automatically calls another action. Rather than relying on the scheduler having a different time.

Similarly, if you could describe what you're trying to accomplish that the current interface can't do, I'll be more than eager to investigate a new interface or feature.

- QRecall Development -
Cody Frisch

Joined: Aug 21, 2010
Messages: 11
Actually on second thought, AppleScript support would do what I'm looking to do. I do video editing and I often run a set of operations by script, and then I'd like to be able to say "backup everything in my working volume" as part of that operation. This would be better than a manual step like I was thinking before.

(the grouping was to call a group of actions together, and the end actions was to chain them together)
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572

I think everything you're interested in will be in 1.3, which will focus heavily on filtering and automation.

- QRecall Development -
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