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Backup Fails on Macfusion Mount RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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James Guillochon

Joined: Aug 6, 2008
Messages: 2

I'm getting the following error after a capture to an archive residing on an sshfs mount from Macfusion:

Problem closing archive: Cannot swap files
Path: /Volumes/Volumename/archive_name.quanta/layer_scribble.index
Other: /Volumes/Volumename/archive_name.quanta/layer.index

Afterwards, the archive needs to be reindexed prior to opening. After the reindexing, everything in the archive looks fine. But this happens every single time! Any ideas on how to fix this?
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
James G. wrote:I'm getting the following error after a capture to an archive residing on an sshfs mount from Macfusion:

Problem closing archive: Cannot swap files

Wild guess: QRecall occasionally uses a filesystem call that exchanges two files. It's possible that your Macfusion sshfs mount either reports that it supports this feature when it doesn't, or it's improperly implemented.

Send a diagnostic report (Help > Send Report) and I'll look into the specifics of the failure.

- QRecall Development -
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568

Your log file indicates that the file exchange request failed with an I/O error (-36).

2010-11-07 16:47:07.494 -0800 Failure Failed

2010-11-07 16:47:07.494 -0800 Details cannot swap files
2010-11-07 16:47:07.494 -0800 #debug# IO exception
2010-11-07 16:47:07.494 -0800 Details Path: /Volumes/x/Backup.quanta/layer_scribble.index
2010-11-07 16:47:07.494 -0800 Details Other: /Volumes/x/Backup.quanta/layer.index
2010-11-07 16:47:07.495 -0800 #debug# API: FSExchangeObjects
2010-11-07 16:47:07.495 -0800 #debug# OSErr: -36

Since there's actually not much I/O involved in exchanging files, and it happens every time QRecall attempts to exchange files on that volume, I'm going assume that it's a bug in the implementation of the filesystem.

I'll add it to the list of anomalies to investigate, and I might even be able to develop a workaround, but I would suggest that you begin by contacting the developers of Macfusion, and pass along this information.

- QRecall Development -
James Guillochon

Joined: Aug 6, 2008
Messages: 2
James Bucanek wrote:I'll add it to the list of anomalies to investigate, and I might even be able to develop a workaround, but I would suggest that you begin by contacting the developers of Macfusion, and pass along this information.

OK, thank you for looking into it.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
James G. wrote:OK, thank you for looking into it.

No problem. Please let me know what the outcome is, and you can put the Macfusion developers in touch with me if they have any questions.

- QRecall Development -
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