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QRecall crash on archive open RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Bruce Giles

Joined: May 19, 2007
Messages: 66
When I did the archive of my entire hard drive, I created a new archive, and then immediately created an action to do the capture, because I wanted to take advangate of the filters to avoid backing up caches. So I never actually did a manual capture of the hard drive, I just selected the action and told it to run. So the archive window was never open while the capture was occurring.

As I reported in my previous message, it took me several attempts to get a complete capture. After each failed attempt, I had to open and repair the archive, but I had no crashes during that process. The final attempt appeared to complete successfully, which I deduced because I had no progress window and no error messages showing this time. Since QRecall had no windows open, I clicked on the dock to switch to it, and got the Quick Start window. I chose my hard drive archive from the menu, and there was a brief delay when nothing appeared to happen, and then QRecall crashed. I re-launched QRecall and tried to open the same archive again, and this time it opened without any problems. I did not get any warnings about needing to reindex or repair the archive, so presumably it was unaffected by the crash. I've attached the crash log. The crash I'm describing here is the last one in the log. (I've just cleared out the CrashReporter folder so any new crashes will start fresh with a new log.)

-- Bruce
 Filename QRecall.crash.log.zip [Disk] Download
 Description QRecall Crash Log
 Filesize 7 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  640 time(s)

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
This appears to be a race condition bug. Just out of curiosity, are you running QRecall on a single or multi-processor Mac?

I think I've resolved the problem. If you want to experiment, I've uploaded an inter-release build: http://www.qrecall.com/release/QRecall_1.0.0b42.i.dmg. Warning: This has a bunch of other untested changes, so try it at your own risk.

To install the new version: (1) download the disk image. (2) Trash (but don't delete) your currently installed version of QRecall. (3) Copy the new version into its place. (4) Launch the new version and reauthorize it. (5) Delete the old version.

Bruce Giles wrote:I re-launched QRecall and tried to open the same archive again, and this time it opened without any problems. I did not get any warnings about needing to reindex or repair the archive, so presumably it was unaffected by the crash.

When browsing, QRecall opens the archive in read-only mode. So browsing can't alter or damage the archive in any way, no matter what happens to the application.

(Well, that's not entirely true. You can change the archive settings while browsing, but the worst that would happen is the archive would lose its custom settings.)

- QRecall Development -
Bruce Giles

Joined: May 19, 2007
Messages: 66
James Bucanek wrote:This appears to be a race condition bug. Just out of curiosity, are you running QRecall on a single or multi-processor Mac?

Single processor 933 MHz G4, with 768 MB RAM.

By the way, this computer REALLY slows down after QRecall has been doing its thing for a while. I understand about the pageouts and swapping, but still, 30 seconds (or more) of staring at the spinning rainbow cursor just because I tried to drag an icon from the desktop to the trash??? Once the other apps get swapped back in again, things go back to normal, but until then, it can be agonizing.

I think I've resolved the problem. If you want to experiment, I've uploaded an inter-release build: http://www.qrecall.com/release/QRecall_1.0.0b42.i.dmg. Warning: This has a bunch of other untested changes, so try it at your own risk.

To install the new version: (1) download the disk image. (2) Trash (but don't delete) your currently installed version of QRecall. (3) Copy the new version into its place. (4) Launch the new version and reauthorize it. (5) Delete the old version.

I won't try it tonight, since I've got another major capture running, but I may give a shot in the next day or two, if I'm home long enough.
Bruce Giles

Joined: May 19, 2007
Messages: 66
Bruce Giles wrote:I won't try it tonight, since I've got another major capture running, but I may give a shot in the next day or two, if I'm home long enough.

Thinking more about this, I believe I'll wait for the next "official" beta. The problem is that I have been unable to reproduce the crash. I've opened and closed archives a number of times, but QR .42 hasn't crashed on me again. If I can't make it crash "on demand", then I really have no way of knowing if your experimental version fixed the problem.

(Not that I'm complaining. I like it when programs don't crash.
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