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xattr warnings RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Victor Magdic

Joined: May 14, 2011
Messages: 3
I occasionally get errors like the following related to extended attributes:

2011-06-14 00:37:10.471 -0400 Caution Unable to read extended attribute data [2.734301.17269.70]
2011-06-14 00:37:10.518 -0400 Details path: /Volumes/audiolib/music/lossy/Don_Williams [2.734301.17269.70.1]
2011-06-14 00:37:10.519 -0400 Details xattr: com.apple.metadata:_kTimeMachineNewestSnapshot [2.734301.17269.70.2]
2011-06-14 00:37:10.519 -0400 Details errno: 22 [2.734301.17269.70.3]
2011-06-14 00:37:10.880 -0400 Caution Unable to read extended attribute data [2.734301.17269.71]
2011-06-14 00:37:10.880 -0400 Details path: /Volumes/audiolib/music/lossy/Don_Williams [2.734301.17269.71.1]
2011-06-14 00:37:10.880 -0400 Details xattr: com.apple.metadata:_kTimeMachineOldestSnapshot [2.734301.17269.71.2]
2011-06-14 00:37:10.880 -0400 Details errno: 22 [2.734301.17269.71.3]

In this case it appears to be a timemachine attribute, but I've seen other attributes cause this message ("quarantine"). I'm not currently using time machine, but have done so in the past (before I started using QRecall).

My main concern is that the file itself is being backed up properly when I see this error (I don't care so much about the extended attribute).

I'm using QRecall I don't remember if I saw these warnings using the previous version (1.14). Curiously, I only see it on files in my music library which are stored on a NAS.



EDIT: Sorry, I just noticed that somebody else had posed the same question in the forum back in 2010
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568

Since you've seen the earlier post, I won't repeat all that. To answer your specific questions, when QRecall can't read an extended attribute it simply notes that in the log and keeps going. QRecall considers this to be minor problem, which is why it's a "caution" message, it's not even a warning. If there was something else about that item that couldn't be captured (its directory information or any of its data), QRecall would have logged a much stronger message.

In your particular case, the system is returning BSD error 22 (invalid argument). This is a nonsensical error in this context, which often means that there's something wrong with the volume's directory structure. Try some of the remedies in in the earlier post, such as repairing the volume or making a copy of the item and stripping it of its extended attributes.

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