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user unreachable directory /dev RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Victor Magdic

Joined: May 14, 2011
Messages: 3
I'm suddenly getting this "unexpected event" (labelled with a question mark in the log window), which I believe coincides with me installing the latest Beta (54) as I never saw it before that.

Since it is marked as a "curious" error, I'm not overly concerned about it, but I just wanted to mention it. I have pre-authorized again, just in case it was connected to that, although that didn't fix it.

folder dev / Could not determine display name / cannot get display name for Path: /dev

2011-12-09 23:02:11.495 -0500 #debug# 0x00007fff873d38bf: 0x00007fff873d3770 _pthread_start (/usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib@0x00007fff87385000) [2.734480.9144.]
2011-12-09 23:02:11.495 -0500 #debug# 0x00007fff873d6b75: 0x00007fff873d6b68 thread_start (/usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib@0x00007fff87385000) [2.734480.9144.]
2011-12-09 23:02:11.495 -0500 #debug# -[CaptureProcessor beginProcess] user unreachable directory: ANTARES:dev [2.734480.9144.74]
2011-12-09 23:02:11.495 -0500 #debug# +[MetadataPorter getIconRefFromFile:filename:catInfo:infoBitmap:visible:] [2.734480.9144.75]
2011-12-09 23:02:11.495 -0500 #debug# Metadata request failed [2.734480.9144.75.1]
2011-12-09 23:02:11.496 -0500 #debug# IO exception [2.734480.9144.75.1.1]
2011-12-09 23:02:11.496 -0500 Details Error: I/O error (bummers) [2.734480.9144.75.1.2]
2011-12-09 23:02:11.496 -0500 Minutia OSErrName: ioErr [2.734480.9144.75.1.3]
2011-12-09 23:02:11.496 -0500 #debug# API: FSPathMakeRefWithOptions [2.734480.9144.75.1.4]
2011-12-09 23:02:11.496 -0500 Minutia OSErr: -36 [2.734480.9144.75.1.5]
2011-12-09 23:02:11.496 -0500 Minutia Path: /dev [2.734480.9144.75.1.6]
2011-12-09 23:02:11.496 -0500 #debug# backtrace [2.734480.9144.75.1.7]
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568

This is a minor error (from QRecall's perspective) because it involves obtaining the display metadata about a folder (/dev). It's minor because the display metadata (its icon, localized name, wether its extension is displayed, and so on) is purely cosmetic. It is only used by QRecall to properly display the item in the QRecall browser; it doesn't impact the actual data or important metadata (permissions, ownership, access control lists, extended attributes, and so on) that make up the item.

While QRecall isn't concerned, I would be. The error you're getting is an I/O error (-36) which for one of the most basic directories on the volume is absurd (in my no-so-humble opinion). I'd start by using Disk Utility, or your favorite volume repair app, to repair the volume. You'll either have to boot from another partition or run fsck from the command line by starting up in single-user mode. (Holding down the Shift key during boot used to cause fsck to run, but I don't know if that's still true.)

- QRecall Development -
Victor Magdic

Joined: May 14, 2011
Messages: 3
Thanks James, I have followed your suggestion with disk utility and it does not report any problems. I'll continue to keep an eye on it.

Out of curiosity, does QRecall even backup anything from /dev? as I was under the impression it more of a "virtual directory" and those are not even "real" files, but special device files.

Thanks for the continued improvements in the software, I'm very happy with it and it meets my needs far better than the alternatives I've tried.

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
Victor Magdic wrote:I have followed your suggestion with disk utility and it does not report any problems. I'll continue to keep an eye on it.

I now have a couple of other users reporting similar errors on /dev, so I think it's quirk in Lion. I'm looking into it.

Out of curiosity, does QRecall even backup anything from /dev? as I was under the impression it more of a "virtual directory" and those are not even "real" files, but special device files.

QRecall excludes the contents of the /dev directory, but it does capture (and restore) the directory itself. If an empty /dev directory—with the correct ownership and permissions—does not exist, OS X won't boot. So to perform a full restore of a volume, QRecall must capture and restore the /dev directory. (I haven't tested to see if this is still true in Lion.)

- QRecall Development -
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