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Trying to recall an item from my Library folder... RSS feed
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Adam Horne

Joined: Dec 4, 2010
Messages: 19
I'm tryings to recall some files that are in my Application Support folder, but I can not seem to locate the Library folder within my Qrecall archive. I'm using Lion 10.7.2.

Any ideas? Thanks.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
Adam Horne wrote:I can not seem to locate the Library folder within my Qrecall archive. I'm using Lion 10.7.2.

In OS X 10.7 (Lion), the Library folders are now hidden. When captured by QRecall, they are recorded as "hidden" in the archive.

Choose View > Show Invisible Items to reveal the Library folder in the archive browser.

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