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QRecall keeps asking for authorization RSS feed
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Adrian Chapman

Joined: Aug 16, 2010
Messages: 72
I have just reconfigured my Mac so that the system and user directories are on separate disks. The problem I am now encountering is that QRecall always asks for authorization when I try to capture the system disk. I have gone through an uninstall/reinstall procedure but the problem keeps recurring. Any ideas James?

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Adrian Chapman wrote:I have just reconfigured my Mac so that the system and user directories are on separate disks.

Sadly, this configuration is incompatible with the current version of QRecall.

Security policy changes in OS X now prevent the system from launching executables with elevated privileges from any drive other than the boot volume. QRecall installs its privileged helper process in ~/Library/Application Support/QRecall. Since your home folder is now on another volume, the OS won't launch any executables it contains with elevated privileges.

QRecall is successfully installing its helper process as a privileged executable, but when it goes to launch it the OS runs it as regular process. Sensing this, QRecall assumes that the helper wasn't installed as a privileged executable and asks to install it again. Wash, rinse, repeat.

You could uninstall QRecall, create a new administrator account who's home folder is on the startup volume, and then install and manage QRecall from that account. (If you copy ~/Library/Preferences/com.qrecall.* and ~/Library/Preferences/QRecall to the new account before installing QRecall, it will transfer all of your preferences and actions.)

- QRecall Development -
Adrian Chapman

Joined: Aug 16, 2010
Messages: 72
Thanks James, not what I wanted to hear but I understand what is happening now.

My main reason for configuring my mac this way is that I am planning to put install Zevo for User directories, this is a ZFS implementation from Don Bradley of <http://www.tenscomplement.com> which, in version 1 won't support booting of Mac OS X.

I am not happy with QRecall running where I can't see it because if I put my Mac to sleep while it is capturing I end up with a corrupted backup.

Thanks anyway
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Adrian Chapman wrote:I am not happy with QRecall running where I can't see it because if I put my Mac to sleep while it is capturing I end up with a corrupted backup.

Here's a hack to try: Create a QRecall folder on your boot volume (anywhere that makes sense). It should be owned by the user that runs QRecall and have read+write+search privileges only for the owner (i.e. disable all group and other access). Copy all of the files in ~/Library/Application Support/QRecall into the new folder. Make sure they all have the correct ownership and permissions. Delete ~/Library/Application Support/QRecall and replace it with a symbolic link to the new folder.

The QRecall code that loads and identifies the support folder in ~/Library uses (for the most part) standard UNIX paths, so the symbolic link should resolve to the executable folder on the startup volume, which should allow the QRecallHelper executable to run with elevated privileges.

- QRecall Development -
Adrian Chapman

Joined: Aug 16, 2010
Messages: 72
Hi James

Thanks for the hack, so far it seems to be working fine. Using a symlink had passed through my mind but I lack the knowledge of what to move and where. I'll keep you updated if there are any problems but so far it's looking good.

It does seem a odd that Apple allow the user directories to reside on another volume, and even provide a simple mechanism for making the change, but then alter the security model so that some things break.

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572

It has occurred to me that there might be a general solution to this problem that could be added to QRecall. Let me know if the hack works. If it does, I might be able to create an equivalent workaround in QRecall.

- QRecall Development -
Adrian Chapman

Joined: Aug 16, 2010
Messages: 72
Hi James

At this rate I might have to put you back on my Christmas card list

Adrian Chapman

Joined: Aug 16, 2010
Messages: 72

I am pleased to report that your hack has been working perfectly for the last 24 hours and there were no problems following a reboot.

Thanks again

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
QRecall 1.2.0(57) will not detect whether the home folder of an account (more specifically if its ~/Library/Application Support folder) is on the same filesystem as the startup volume. If not, it installs its helper binaries in /Library/Application Support (which had better be on the startup volume!).


To test this out, you'll want to upgrade to 1.2.0(57), uninstall QRecall (Command+Option+Shift-Q), remove your symbolic link "hack," and then launch QRecall and let it reinstall itself.

- QRecall Development -
Adrian Chapman

Joined: Aug 16, 2010
Messages: 72

Everything is working fine with beta 57 after removing the hack.


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