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Deleting volumes RSS feed
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Ralph Strauch

Joined: Oct 24, 2007
Messages: 194
As the result of system updates, experimenting with filevault2, etc., I now have five different volumes, all with the same name, in my archive for the same drive. I just noticed in the help files that I can delete entire volumes from the archive. If I do delete a volume, will that just remove the files on that volume from the archive, or will it also remove those files from all the other volumes as well? If the former, that would be a nice way to get rid of some of those extra volumes, but if the latter, it would end up throwing away more than I want to get rid of.

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
Every volume (owner, folder, and file) in an archive is logically independent. Deleting a volume (owner, folder, or file) won't delete any other item in the archive, no matter how similar, and no matter how much data they may have in common.

Feel free to delete obsolete volumes that are no longer being captured. It won't affect any items captured for the volume that exists now.

Starting with QRecall 1.2.0(46) you now have a second option, one created specifically to address this situation. The new Archive > Combine Items... command will take two (or more) volumes in an archive, that are actually the same volume, captured at different times, and will stitch them back together into a single volume with one history in the archive.

See the release notes for 1.2.0(46) for the details.

- QRecall Development -
Ralph Strauch

Joined: Oct 24, 2007
Messages: 194
Thanks for pointing out the Combine Items option. I guess I missed that when it went by.

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