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Need UI feedback when opening large archive RSS feed
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Neil Lee

Joined: Nov 16, 2010
Messages: 9
I've got a really large archive (500G+) that I'm trying to open to restore a file from, and when I open it in QRecall the app just hangs. I assume it's crunching away at something but there's no UI, no window, and no feedback telling me as such.

Could there be some kind of dialogue window added so it's obvious what QRecall is actually doing?

Also, I don't know how long it should take for QRecall to open an archive this size, but it's been sitting there for 20 minutes now with no sign of activity.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
Neil Lee wrote:I've got a really large archive (500G+) that I'm trying to open to restore a file from, and when I open it in QRecall the app just hangs. I assume it's crunching away at something but there's no UI, no window, and no feedback telling me as such.

Also, I don't know how long it should take for QRecall to open an archive this size, but it's been sitting there for 20 minutes now with no sign of activity.


Something is wrong. You should, at the very least, see an empty window while the archive is opening. If the application is locked up, then it probably locked up before it started to open the archive.

Please do this for me: Open the Terminal application, and issue the following command.
sudo /Applications/QRecall.app/Contents/Resources/sample.sh
(If your QRecall application is somewhere other than the /Applications folder, then adjust the path accordingly.)
Enter your admin password and wait for the script to finish.
Force Quit the QRecall application. Do this from the Dock, via Command+Option+Esc, or using Activity Monitor.
Launch QRecall again and see if it launches on its own. If so, send a diagnostic report.

Could there be some kind of dialogue window added so it's obvious what QRecall is actually doing?

Absolutely, and that's on the to-do list.

Having said that, however, this isn't your problem. When opening an archive, you should immediately see the archive window, and the details will fill out as the initial data is loaded. Even on a very large archive on a relatively slow mediam (i.e. wireless), it still shouldn't take more than 30 seconds before you can start browsing. I just opened a 5 TB archive on my system. The window appeared in approximately 2 seconds, and the browser had loaded and was ready to go in 10. This archive stores data for 4 computers, 10 volumes, and has over 30 million items in over a hundred layers. Admittedly it's on a very fast eSATA RAID-5, but you get the picture.

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