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Pierpaolo Remelli

Joined: Jan 11, 2012
Messages: 13
Hi James,
I have a few archives backing-up my DevonThink databases (big package files) and I would prefer to capture them (with scheduled actions) only when closed to preserve DB integrity.

My only chioice now is to Hold the action while logged in but it's not handy.
A better solution would be to provide scheduled actions with a preference "Request User Confirmation"; confirmation could be given with a button in the Activity Monitor small box popping up when action starts or, as alternative, with a dedicated bigger pop-up window.

Another (multi-purpose) solution would be to give actions the capability to run a script before execution; user can then display a message box or perform other checks/actions before the package is captured.

Another separate feature request: menu bar drop-down list is now displaying next scheduled action; it would be nice if it could show the scheduled time of that action (as done in Actions window).

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576

QRecall 1.3 has a number of new scheduling features in the works that I think will address your situation. Specifically, a new event schedule that will run an action when an application launches or quits. This way, you can simply schedule your capture action to run whenever DevonThink quits.

The next version will also have some scripting options that I'm looking for users to evaluate.

A beta of QRecall 1.3 should be available for testing by early September.

pirem71 wrote:Another separate feature request: menu bar drop-down list is now displaying next scheduled action; it would be nice if it could show the scheduled time of that action (as done in Actions window).

This is already on the to-do list.

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