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Verification fails RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Chris Petit

Joined: Sep 5, 2012
Messages: 6
I am having a problem with an archive. Originally I did a capture and the verification failed.

1) I did a disk repair with disk utility, which gave no errors.
2) I did a repair with Qrecall and the most recent layer was marked "damaged".

3) Since there was not much data in the layer, I deleted the layer and repeated the backup.

4) I then did another capture and verification. Verification failed.
5) I did a repair. Looked like it repaired successfully since the layer was not marked damage.

6) Today, I did another capture & verify and received once again a failure in verification.

The log error states "data package checksum not in negative hash"

Please help.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568

Please send a diagnostic report (Help > Send Report...). There's clearly something unusual going on, and the details of the failure will help.

Also, please describe the volume you're storing the QRecall archive on. Size, Internal or external drive, directly connected or NAS or file server, and most importantly how is the volume formatted?

- QRecall Development -
Chris Petit

Joined: Sep 5, 2012
Messages: 6
I sent you the diagnostic report and provide the answers to your questions with the report. Please let me know if you need anymore info.
Chris Petit

Joined: Sep 5, 2012
Messages: 6
Still having issues with archives on an encrypted volume versus on a disk image. Sent you another diagnostic report.
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