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Incomplete item count RSS feed
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Ralph Strauch

Joined: Oct 24, 2007
Messages: 194
I just finished compacting an archive and noticed that the Items column in all the layers now says "Incomplete." The first time I ran this compaction the backup drive accidentally got disconnected, requiring repair as a result. The "Incomplete" may have been introduced by the repair, but I didn't notice it till the completion of the compaction.

Is this a problem of any kind, or should I just ignore it?

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569

You can probably just ignore it. The repair marks a layer as "incomplete" when it can't be absolutely sure that it contains all of the items it originally had.

If the damage occurred during a capture that was interrupted, the result is a bunch of duplicate records in the archive. The repair ignores these duplicate records, but finds them suspicious enough to mark the layers containing those records as "incomplete."

There shouldn't be any data loss. There's a discussion of this very issue in the help. See Help > Advanced > Compact, and look for the sidebar "If a compact is interrupted..."

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