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Archive hung up RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Ralph Strauch

Joined: Oct 24, 2007
Messages: 194
I accidentally closed my macbook pro this morning while it was backing up over the network, and now my archive seems to be hung so I can't access it. I've done this in the past with no problem. The backup usually just resumes when I open the lid. This time, though, it didn't, and when I put the cursor over the monitor window I got a beachball. Finder hung at about the same time. I attempted to start qrecall to see if I could fix it there, but qrecall hung as it was starting. When I force-quit qrecall it just started again and hung again -- over and over. I finally restarted the computer, and tried to restart the backup. The monitor window showed "waiting for archive. I tried to open the archive in qrecall, but it shows that "the archive is being updated by some other action. It will open when the action is finished."

I'll send a report.

So it's apparently hung in some kind of open state. How do I close it so I can resume my backup?

Ralph Strauch

Joined: Oct 24, 2007
Messages: 194
After posting my previous message I read your previous exchange with Dr D and saw your suggestion to turn off the file server. I cycled file sharing on the iMac where the backup drive is mounted, and now it's working again. You solved my problem without even reading about it. That's really great customer service. Thanks.

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