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Schedule fails after disk change RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Charles Watts-Jones

Joined: Oct 14, 2007
Messages: 57
Location: France
My external backup disk was failing so I replaced it with a new one. I copied my QRecall archive across, changed the location of the new drive in the Actions and saved the changes. As a test I ran the Capture action, it ran flawlessly. Using the menu File > Open Recent QRecall opened the archive in its new location.

The Actions are set to run during the night when I'm logged out. After logging in, I checked that they had indeed run. For two mornings QRecall reports 'Capture could not find archive'. The menu File > Open Recent still finds the archive OK and the actions run manually flawlessly as usual. I must be missing something but what?
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Charles Watts-Jones wrote:As a test I ran the Capture action, it ran flawlessly.

Out of curiosity, did you run the capture action from the actions window or from the File menu?

Using the menu File > Open Recent QRecall opened the archive in its new location.

The Recent Items menu is managed by OS X. How is locates archives is completely different, and independent, of how QRecall locates them.

I must be missing something but what?

I can't think of what. I would suggest that you need to update the location of your archive in your actions, but you seem to have done that already.

The test is to open your actions window and look for actions that are in grey or have a warning icon (see attachment). QRecall's actions window uses the information from the action document to locate the archive, exactly the way the action does when it runs.

If the archive appears grey or has a warning, there are still locations that need to be updated. Open the archive document, select the archive again, and save it.

It they all say they are ready to run, try running them from the action menu (assuming you didn't try that before). If they run successfully, and yet they don't run when scheduled, then something is clearly off. Please send a diagnostic report and we'll investigate.

  • [Thumb - QRecallSnapz001.png]
 Filename QRecallSnapz001.png [Disk] Download
 Description Example of unreachable/offline archive in the actions window
 Filesize 87 Kbytes
 Downloaded:  26923 time(s)

- QRecall Development -
Charles Watts-Jones

Joined: Oct 14, 2007
Messages: 57
Location: France
> Out of curiosity, did you run the capture action from the
> actions window or from the File menu?

From the Actions window

> I can't think of what. I would suggest that you need to
> update the location of your archive in your actions, but
> you seem to have done that already.

Have done it again. Will see what happens tomorrow morning.

> If the archive appears grey or has a warning, there are still
> locations that need to be updated.

Nothing greyed ou. Would attach a picture but can't find a way to get my machine to do that.

> It they all say they are ready to run, try running them from the
> action menu (assuming you didn't try that before). If they run
> successfully, and yet they don't run when scheduled, then something is > clearly off.

Have run the complete set from the Actions window. All OK. Will report again after tommorrow morning's schedule.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Charles Watts-Jones wrote:Have run the complete set from the Actions window. All OK. Will report again after tommorrow morning's schedule.

Then I would expect it to work. If it doesn't then something else (besides the archive location) is the issue.

When you run an action from the activity window, it actually goes through the scheduler. QRecall (the app) tells the scheduler process to schedule that action to run "now." So there's almost no difference in running an action manually and scheduling it to run at a particular time.

- QRecall Development -
Charles Watts-Jones

Joined: Oct 14, 2007
Messages: 57
Location: France
James Bucanek wrote:
Charles Watts-Jones wrote:Have run the complete set from the Actions window. All OK. Will report again after tommorrow morning's schedule.

Then I would expect it to work. If it doesn't then something else (besides the archive location) is the issue.

This morning's back-up worked as it should - good! I did two things before it ran:

1. 'reconnected' and resaved the Actions, and
2. rebooted my machine. I hadn't done this when installing the new drive as FireWire drives can be connected 'hot'. This, I suspect, is what got everything back to normal. Doubtless James will comment.

So I'm (moderately) relaxed again
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
My only comment is to remember the immortal words of Roy, from The IT Crowd:

"Have you tried turning it off and back on again?"

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