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Capture +8 hours RSS feed
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Mark Gerber

Joined: Nov 5, 2008
Messages: 20
A few days ago I finally upgraded my Mini (2007) to Lion (10.7.5).
Because I was in the midst of deadlines, I suspended QRecall's (1.2.3. schedule and, of course, forgot to start things up again until last evening. Since then, QRecall has been capturing for over 8-½ hours and it's only about ? done. Normally, this takes less than 2-½ hours.

I noticed this line in the log and wondered if it might be relevant:
"Filesystem change history ignored"
If it's not, do you have any idea why this particular capture might be taking so long?
It looks like it's going to take another 4-6 hours to complete and, in the meantime, my system is not as responsive as I need it to be.
If I suspend or quite QRecall now, will it start all over again? Is it better to keep it running in the background?

Reading another user's question about FileVault and their experience with an exceptionally long backup, I checked and I do not have FileVault enabled.

Thanks for your help.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576

You have a number of factors conspiring against you.

First, you just upgraded your OS. The OS consists of a staggering number of individual files, almost all of which change between major releases of the OS. The capture following an OS upgrade just has a lot more work to do. I wouldn?t be surprised if a post-upgrade capture took five times longer to finished than typical.

Secondly, you left your schedule disabled for a while. That resulted in a QRecall performing a ?deep scan? of your filesystem looking for changes?as indicated by the "Filesystem change history ignored? log message. It also means that you?ve got several days worth of accumulated changes that also need to be captured.

If you performed a straight upgrade, then you didn?t reformat your volume. So QRecall probably isn?t recapturing everything on your volume, just most of your volume (due to the OS upgrade).

Finally, a MacMini isn?t the beefiest Mac Apple has ever made. It?s I/O subsystem isn?t all that fast, and captures simply take longer than thay would on other computer system.

My advice is to be patient, but there?s no reason to let QRecall get in the way of your life. Stop, pause, or reschedule the current capture if it?s interfering with your work. To stop it, click on the (X) in the QRecall monitor window. To pause or reschedule the capture, Control+click or click-and-hold on the (X) and choose a pause period of the reschedule option. Pausing is good for getting QRecall to back-off for short periods of time, but anything over an hour I suggest you reschedule.

The capture will be incomplete, but everything QRecall did capture has still been added to the archive, and the next capture will pick up where it left off. Within a day or two, QRecall will have caught up and you?ll be back to your regular 2 to 2 1/2 hour captures.

- QRecall Development -
Mark Gerber

Joined: Nov 5, 2008
Messages: 20
James Bucanek wrote:
You have a number of factors conspiring against you.
(shaking my fist at the gods, now)

Thanks, James. I was most concerned that something had gotten messed up with the upgrade and capture delay, resulting in a corrupted archive. Your detailed answer alleviates those fears. Sounds like everything is working as I should expect, given the circumstances. And I suppose I should expect the same when I eventually get that new Mini with the Mavericks, offset somewhat with much more RAM and other Faster Stuff.
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