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Back-up only specific folders/files? RSS feed
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Alison Meier

Joined: Jul 4, 2014
Messages: 2

First off, I am not very computer savvy, so need an easy-to-use back-up system that is very straightforward. Do I need much in-depth understanding to run QRecall?

I am after a second back-up option to Time Machine. I only want to back up certain folders (and implicitly sub-folders) such as Documents and Pictures. I don't want a full clone of the whole Mac drive. Am I able to do this with QRecall?

Also, how many machines can I use one license for? I have an iMac and my husband has a Macbook Pro.

regards, Alison.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
Alison wrote:First off, I am not very computer savvy, so need an easy-to-use back-up system that is very straightforward. Do I need much in-depth understanding to run QRecall?

QRecall is designed to be as intuative as possible. While there are a lot of powerful features, the basics (capturing backups and restoring) are pretty straight forward, some as simple as drag and drop.

I only want to back up certain folders (and implicitly sub-folders) such as Documents and Pictures. I don't want a full clone of the whole Mac drive. Am I able to do this with QRecall?

I would suggest starting with the Capture Assistent and have QRecall help you create a backup strategy. The assistent will ask you some questions and create a set of actions that will automate your backups and maintenace.

During this process, the assisent will ask you for the item (folder or volume) that you want to regularly capture. After the assisent is finished, open the Actions window and find the Capture action it created. Open this action and edit the items to capture. A capture action can capture any arbitrary set of items, from a handful of specific folders to multiple volumes. Edit this list, and that?s what QRecall will capture?nothing more, nothing less.

Also, how many machines can I use one license for? I have an iMac and my husband has a Macbook Pro.

To capture multiple machines to a single archive, you really need to buy a unique identity key for each machene. However, if you capture each machine to a different archive, you can reuse the same identity key. QRecall?s family-friendly license grants you the right to use the same identity key for every member of your household.

- QRecall Development -
Alison Meier

Joined: Jul 4, 2014
Messages: 2
James - thanks for your reply - it answered my question very clearly.
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