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Can't see most recent files RSS feed
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Mark Gerber

Joined: Nov 5, 2008
Messages: 20
What does it mean when the Layers Browser are displayed in gray and the layer number has no color? Are those the daily backups that have not been merged?

I'm trying to recall a single file from my most recent backup (Layer 127) and everything after Layer 41 (February 11, 2014) is gray.
The folder containing the specific file I'm looking for isn't displayed in the Item Browser. In fact, the most recent Modified Date in this group of folders is February 2014.

As far as I can tell, the Shades are revealing all layers so I would expect to see files from recent updates. What am I missing here?

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576
A gray layer (or a missing layer when Show All Layers is off) means that the layer doesn?t contain any items contained in the browser window. It?s designed to help you ignore layers that don?t apply to the items you?re browsing.

If all recent layers are grey, it?s most likely that you?re browing an older set of files.

Everything in an archive has an owner, determined by your identity key. Within each owner are the volumes that have been captured, and inside those are the individual files and folders.

Use the navigation bar at the bottom of the browser window to navigate to the top of the archive. Here you will see all of the individual owners who have captured files to this archive. My guess is that on February 11, 2014 you either changed identity keys or migrated to a new hard drive. From that moment on, everything captured to the archive was added to the new identity key or volume. But the items belonging to the old owner or volume are still there, but in a different branch of the archive. This is the one you are probably browsing.

Find the owner for the current identity key and the volume that contains recently captured items. You?ll find your recently captured items there.

Also see the Help > QRecall Help > Guide > Advanced > Combine Items topic for how to join two sets of items captured with different identity keys or from different volumes into a single owner/volume.

- QRecall Development -
Mark Gerber

Joined: Nov 5, 2008
Messages: 20

Yes, it turns out I had somehow managed to create three captures and it was easy to use Combine Items to bring them all together.
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