Olfan wrote:I could not make a "Disconnect" option appear. Holding the Option key changes the "Delete" to "Reconnect", also holding down Cmd and/or Shift doesn't do anything further.
Not Command, Control.

Option+Control changes to "Delete" to "Disconnect...", ... but you figured it out
Checking the cascade scheduled action seemed okay, running it wouldn't work, though.
This also isn't making any sense, since both the action and the interactive command end up doing the same thing: launching a background instance of QRecallHelper to preform the action.
I'm also seeing really anomalous messages in your log, like this one:
unreadable sequence file; using legacy sequence
Which makes no sense because this file gets recreated during the repair and is readable by the user.
So I have to suspect that there's some strangeness(™) going on with the storage device and/or the security framework.
I have two suggestions.
First, make sure there are no restrictions on QRecall by going to the System Settings > Privacy & Security > Files and Folders. Find the various QRecall component (particularly QRecallHelper) and make sure everything is enabled. (Alternatively, add QRecallHelper to the Full Disk Access category.)
Second suggestion is, if the QRecall02 volume is only used for QRecall archives, select the volume in the Finder, choose Get Info, and at the bottom check "Ignore ownership on this volume".
I did notice that the qrstackconfigs in the archive and in the Stacks prefs folder differ in many places but couldn't see what the differences mean.
UUIDs are case insensitive, pretty much everywhere in QRecall.
Can't see why it gets a nil instead of the guid that's there.
It would appear that it can't read the file, just like the regular actions can't read the
sequence.index, neither of which makes any sense.
And if you try any of these suggestions, please follow up with another diagnostic report. Thanks!