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Why ask for authorization every launch, even when pre-authorized? RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Schmye Bubbula

Joined: Feb 5, 2015
Messages: 4
Every time I launch Qrecall, from the very first time I ever used it, it asks me to authorize with my Mac password, even though I've previously pre-authorized in prefs.


How can I make it stick? Can't it get stored in Keychain or something?

OS X 10.6.8
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568

It should stick. You only need to preauthorize QRecall once to use administrative privileges, and you shouldn't have to authorize it again until you reinstall it or upgrade it.

Mt guess is that something isn't getting installed correctly. Every time the QRecall application starts, it checks to see that all of its components are installed correctly. If if finds that QRecallHelper executable is not preauthorized it will try to install it again.

Start by sending a diagnostic report (in the QRecall app choose Help > Send Report). This will include the log of your previous installation attempts and what QRecall finds when it starts up again.

- QRecall Development -
Schmye Bubbula

Joined: Feb 5, 2015
Messages: 4
Thanks, James. Done; check for my report.
Schmye Bubbula

Joined: Feb 5, 2015
Messages: 4
Woops, in my report, when I was talking about the off-topic curiosity of my slow quits, I said that the File menu was black for the duration. Of course, I meant the QRecall menu.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
I took a brief look at your log files and I'm mystified.

According to your log, the QRecall application intentionally uninstalled itself almost every time you quit the application. (This also explains why it was taking several seconds to quit.)

When you quit QRecall, you have two choices. Command+Q quits the application normally. Command+Shift+Option+Q quits the application and uninstalls all active components, which includes removing the preauthorized helper.

I can't think of any reason why OS X should think that you're holding down the Option and Shift keys while quiting. Out of curiosity, when you click on the QRecall menu, does it say "Quit" or "Quit and Uninstall"?

- QRecall Development -
Schmye Bubbula

Joined: Feb 5, 2015
Messages: 4
Ah! I see what's been happening now.
I've been using QuicKeys 4.0.7 to intercept all of my Command-Q and first put up an "Are you sure you really want to quit?" dialog. Then QuicKeys selects the menu 2 item containing "Quit." I guess when QuicKeys does it, QRecall somehow sees a Shift-Option or something, and does the uninstall. (In Activity Monitor, I can see the QRecallMonitor & QRecallScheduler processes disappear, so that must be what you mean by "uninstall," or at least the consequence of an uninstall ? perhaps your uninstall is removing a launchd job.)

In any event, if I personally do the Quit explicitly from the QRecall menu, then the quit is fast, and Preauthorization sticks. So I made a QRecall-specific QuicKey to do a Command-Q keystroke instead of a menu selection for me, and all is well with QuicKeys now, Preauthorization-wise (and the two aforementioned processes remain).

Whew! I don't understand the interaction between the QuicKeys menu selection & QRecall, but my workaround solves the proximate problem. (Yay!)
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