Let me start by saying that QRecall does not store "snapshots" in the traditional sense. It stores "delta"—each layer stores only the differences between it and the previously captured version of each item. See QRecall > Help > Guide > Layers > Understanding Layers for a complete explanation.
You can focus in on a layer (or a group of layers) by adjusting the shades (top and bottom) to narrow your view of what's been captured. But if you then try to recall those items (with both upper and lower shades in place), you won't be recalling all of your items. You'll only be recalling the items that changed and were recaptured in that layer (or layers). See the warning "Recalling folders with top layer shaded" at the end of the help section QRecall > Help > Guide > Layers > Layer Shades.
james_smith wrote:I chose the right snapshot in the QRecall interface for the restore.
I made sure the incremental backup finished without any issues before I started restoring.
The file versioning looks okay for some documents, yet some files seem to be left out.
Did you "choose" your layer by adjusting the shades? If so, then recalling a folder of items would only recall the items in that folder that were recaptured by those layers. All unaltered items would excluded from the capture.
The solution is to use the shades to find the version of the items you want to recall. This is done using the bottom shade, and the bottom shade only. (Basically, you're hiding more recent version of the items to locate and earlier version of that item.) Now a recall will include all of the items.
If you want to use the top shade, remember to run the top shade back to the top before recalling a folder or package.