Sorry to hear you're having problems with your migration.
Most QRecall installation problems can be resolved by performing a complete uninstall and reinstall of the application.
However, the log message you cite indicate that you currently have mis-installed components, so a simple and easy uninstall won't work. (QRecall's "Quit and Uninstall" command uses the installed components to perform the uninstall, so it's a catch-22.)
Fortunately, QRecall 3 has an embedded uninstall tool. Follow these steps to completely uninstall, and the reinstall QRecall:
1) Quit all of your other applications (the uninstall will perform a system restart, so you want to make sure you've saved your work).
2) Open the Terminal app
3) In the terminal, execute this command:
/Applications/ (This assumes your QRecall 3 app is in
/Applications; if it's somewhere else, adjust this path as needed.)
This will prompt you for your administrator password, uninstall all active QRecall components, and restart your system.
4) Following the restart, trash your installed copy of the QRecall app.
5) Download a fresh copy QRecall: <>
6) Copy the QRecall app to your /Applications (or wherever) and open it.
7) Supply your admin password to install.
If that doesn't work, email a copy of your QRecall log file (
~/Library/Logs/QRecall/QRecall.log) to
Support. (It's a big file, so if you're not using Apple's Mail Drop service, you'll probably need to use WeTransfer or something similar.)