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Beta 2.0.7 and version 1 archives RSS feed
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Adrian Chapman

Joined: Aug 16, 2010
Messages: 72
I understand that version 2 changes version 1 archives irreversibly, but can version 2 still be used to verify, merge and compact version 1 archives and leave them compatible with version 1.

I ask because while I want to assist with testing the V2 beta on my iMac I wish to continue running V1 for now on my wife's Macbook but I run a weekly verify/merge/compact on her archives from my iMac. The archives are stored and a Drobo 5N NAS.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
Adrian Chapman wrote:I understand that version 2 changes version 1 archives irreversibly, but can version 2 still be used to verify, merge and compact version 1 archives and leave them compatible with version 1.

Verify or recall, yes. Merge or compact, no.

Any action that changes the contents of an archive using QRecall 2.0 will write modern data structures, making the archive incompatible with earlier versions.

I ask because while I want to assist with testing the V2 beta on my iMac I wish to continue running V1 for now on my wife's Macbook but I run a weekly verify/merge/compact on her archives from my iMac.

To preserve 1.x compatibility, you'd need to schedule the merge actions to run on the Macbook. You could also schedule it to perform the compact, but for the short term of the beta test cycle you might just consider not compacting the archive. You can continue to verify the archive from the iMac with QRecall 2.0.

- QRecall Development -
Adrian Chapman

Joined: Aug 16, 2010
Messages: 72
Hi James

Yes, that's pretty much what I thought would be the case.

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