Ming-Li Wang wrote:After digging into the various records associated with those verification actions scheduled for early Sat. and Sun. morning, however, I found several of them--the last one on Sat. morning, at around 4:40am, and all 3 this morning--did not have a "Verify finished" line. And sure enough, those are exactly the 4 archives listed as "Verified 13 days ago" in the status window.
That's exactly what happened; the verify (and one merge) action never completed.
This is another side-effect of the monitor application process going to sleep while the computer is still running. I've identified this particular code path and have a fix, which will appear in 2.0.0b14.
Manual verifications on all 4 finished successfully as well.
Yes, because these commands were started while the monitor was awake.
Now, I don't want to disable status warnings in the menubar icon; nor do I want to "forget" the archive, but the red dot bugs me, and might numb me someday. So please consider allowing some customization there in the future. Thanks!
Well, it's a good thing you pay attention to those red dots, because this time it really was a problem!
There is an issue with archives that are captured/verified very infrequently—or never—in that they acquire a red dot that never goes away. I have this situation on my server. I have an archive with a capture of my emergency recovery volume. (Should my emergency recovery drive ever die—and I've replaced it twice now—I can quickly have it ready to use again with a single restore.) Since the emergency volume never changes, it never gets recaptured. So eventually, I get a red dot warning me that it hasn't been captured in a while.
I have a feature on the to-do list that will add a "Forget Capture Status Until Next Capture" option to the status window, so you can ignore that particular warning without forgetting about the entire archive.