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[b13] verification incomplete? RSS feed
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Ming-Li Wang

Joined: Jan 12, 2015
Messages: 82
Having seen no error/warning messages in the log window, I'd been very happy with b13 until I noticed several yellow status icons in the status window. Several archives have not been verified for almost two weeks. That should not be possible since all my archives are scheduled to be verified at least once a week.

As there's still no warnings or errors in the log window, I dialed the detail level to the max and saw numerous question marks associated with a "Problem communicating with helper, retrying" message. Given your detailed explanation earlier these don't concern me.

After digging into the various records associated with those verification actions scheduled for early Sat. and Sun. morning, however, I found several of them--the last one on Sat. morning, at around 4:40am, and all 3 this morning--did not have a "Verify finished" line. And sure enough, those are exactly the 4 archives listed as "Verified 13 days ago" in the status window.

Note that all weekend verification jobs are preceded by a merge action. They all finished without issue according to the log. Manual verifications on all 4 finished successfully as well.

One side issue: my investigation was prompted by the "red" dot inside QR's menubar icon. As it turned out, the non-verification status for those 4 archives merely earned them a "yellow" dot. The lone "red" dot in the status window is for my music archive that has not been captured for 11 days. It's nevertheless a non-issue as I haven't got the time to rip my CDs for quite a while. (The capture done 11 days ago was for meaningless changes in .DS_Store files.)

Now, I don't want to disable status warnings in the menubar icon; nor do I want to "forget" the archive, but the red dot bugs me, and might numb me someday. So please consider allowing some customization there in the future. Thanks!
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572
Ming-Li Wang wrote:After digging into the various records associated with those verification actions scheduled for early Sat. and Sun. morning, however, I found several of them--the last one on Sat. morning, at around 4:40am, and all 3 this morning--did not have a "Verify finished" line. And sure enough, those are exactly the 4 archives listed as "Verified 13 days ago" in the status window.

That's exactly what happened; the verify (and one merge) action never completed.

This is another side-effect of the monitor application process going to sleep while the computer is still running. I've identified this particular code path and have a fix, which will appear in 2.0.0b14.

Manual verifications on all 4 finished successfully as well.

Yes, because these commands were started while the monitor was awake.

Now, I don't want to disable status warnings in the menubar icon; nor do I want to "forget" the archive, but the red dot bugs me, and might numb me someday. So please consider allowing some customization there in the future. Thanks!

Well, it's a good thing you pay attention to those red dots, because this time it really was a problem!

There is an issue with archives that are captured/verified very infrequently—or never—in that they acquire a red dot that never goes away. I have this situation on my server. I have an archive with a capture of my emergency recovery volume. (Should my emergency recovery drive ever die—and I've replaced it twice now—I can quickly have it ready to use again with a single restore.) Since the emergency volume never changes, it never gets recaptured. So eventually, I get a red dot warning me that it hasn't been captured in a while.

I have a feature on the to-do list that will add a "Forget Capture Status Until Next Capture" option to the status window, so you can ignore that particular warning without forgetting about the entire archive.

- QRecall Development -
Ming-Li Wang

Joined: Jan 12, 2015
Messages: 82
It's another Sunday and I'm happy to report that the issue has indeed been fixed in b14. All merge and verification jobs reserved for Sat. and Sun. morning have finished successfully, and b14 has been running perfectly well here. Thank you.
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