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Another Rolling Merge Query RSS feed
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Adrian Chapman

Joined: Aug 16, 2010
Messages: 72

I have weekly rolling merge actions set as follows:

Keep most recent: 7 Days
Followed by:
90 Day Layers
52 Week Layers
12 Month Layers
2 Year Layers

If my understanding is correct all layers beyond 2 years will be merged into a single layer but I have archives with year layers dating back to 2011 and 2012.

Is this how it is supposed to function or have I misunderstood something.

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
All layers earlier than the two 1-year layers defined will be merged into a single layer, but that will be considerably more than 2 years ago.

When you run the merge today (October 14, 2015), here's how QRecall will calculate your merge.

You're keeping the most recent 7 days, so any and all layers captured after Oct 7 will be left as they are.

In the next tier, you have 90 day layers. QRecall starts at Oct 7 and looks backwards for the first full day, which is Oct 6. All layers captured on Oct 6 will be merged into a single layer. It repeats this for the remaining 89 day layers:

Day 90: Oct 6, 2015
Day 89: Oct 5, 2015
Day 88: Oct 4, 2015
Day 1: July 9, 2015

Your next tier has 52 week layers. Starting with July 9, 2015 QRecall looks for the nearest full week, which ended on Saturday July 4, 2015. All layers captured between Sunday June 28, 2015 and Saturday July 4, 2015 will be merged into a single layer. This repeats for the previous 51 weeks:

Week 52: Sat June 28, 2015 - Sun July 5, 2015
Week 51: Sat June 21, 2015 - Sun June 27, 2015
Week 50: Sat June 14, 2015 - Sun June 20, 2015
Week 1: Sat June 29, 2014 - Sun July 5, 2014

The next tier keeps 12 month layers. Again, started at the beginning of the last tier (June 29, 2014), QRecall searches backwards for the first full month, which is May, 2014.

Month 12: May, 2014
Month 11: April, 2014
Month 10: March, 2014
Month 1: June, 2013

Finally, you have 2 year layers. These will start on the previous full year before June, 2013:

Year 2: 2012
Year 1: 2011

Finally, all layers captured before January 1, 2011 will be merged into a single layer.

Every thing else: 2006(*) - 2010

I hope that helps.

(*) Why 2006? Because that was the first public release of QRecall. Obviously, you can't have any layers before that.

- QRecall Development -
Adrian Chapman

Joined: Aug 16, 2010
Messages: 72

Thanks for your clarification. My understanding was more or less correct up to a point, but I have now got my mind round the whole thing.

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