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Odd errors in log RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Bruce Giles

Joined: May 19, 2007
Messages: 66
I'm gettings some strange error messages in the log. The nightly scheduled backup starts off like this:

2007-08-01 02:00:01.013 -0400 ------- Capture to Server HD1 [2.732889.25404]
2007-08-01 02:00:01.013 -0400 Details archive: /Volumes/Backup1/Backups/Server HD1.quanta [2.732889.25404.4]
2007-08-01 02:00:01.013 -0400 #debug# executing [2.732889.25404.5]
2007-08-01 02:00:09.671 -0400 #debug# reconstructing negative hash map from 321473 hash entries [2.732889.25404.6]
2007-08-01 02:00:11.054 -0400 #debug# negative hash rebuilt (536870912 bits, 321386 set) [2.732889.25404.7]
2007-08-01 02:00:12.804 -0400 #debug# -[HashFile anticipateHashGrowth:] total free=191981551616, practicalGrowth=7030574, maxGrowth=8067134, hashEntries=321473, hashSize=4194304 [2.732889.25404.8]
2007-08-01 02:00:12.840 -0400 Capture Macintosh HD [2.732889.25404.9.1]
2007-08-01 02:00:12.840 -0400 Details Macintosh HD [2.732889.25404.9.1.1]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.075 -0400 Curious Filter cannot make reference to item [2.732889.25404.10]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.075 -0400 Details path: /Users/diradmin [2.732889.25404.10.1]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.075 -0400 Details file reference creation failed [2.732889.25404.10.2]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.075 -0400 Details IO exception [2.732889.25404.10.2.1]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.076 -0400 #debug# API: FSPathMakeRef [2.732889.25404.10.2.2]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.076 -0400 #debug# OSErr: -43 [2.732889.25404.10.2.3]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.092 -0400 Curious Filter cannot make reference to item [2.732889.25404.11]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.092 -0400 Details path: 99 [2.732889.25404.11.1]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.092 -0400 Details file reference creation failed [2.732889.25404.11.2]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.092 -0400 Details IO exception [2.732889.25404.11.2.1]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.092 -0400 #debug# API: FSPathMakeRef [2.732889.25404.11.2.2]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.092 -0400 #debug# OSErr: -43 [2.732889.25404.11.2.3]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.093 -0400 Curious Filter cannot make reference to item [2.732889.25404.12]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.093 -0400 Details path: 99 [2.732889.25404.12.1]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.093 -0400 Details file reference creation failed [2.732889.25404.12.2]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.093 -0400 Details IO exception [2.732889.25404.12.2.1]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.094 -0400 #debug# API: FSPathMakeRef [2.732889.25404.12.2.2]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.094 -0400 #debug# OSErr: -43 [2.732889.25404.12.2.3]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.094 -0400 Curious Filter cannot make reference to item [2.732889.25404.13]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.094 -0400 Details path: 99 [2.732889.25404.13.1]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.094 -0400 Details file reference creation failed [2.732889.25404.13.2]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.094 -0400 Details IO exception [2.732889.25404.13.2.1]

And then similar errors continue for a long time. The last one in the batch looks like this:

2007-08-01 02:00:13.821 -0400 Curious Filter cannot make reference to item [2.732889.25404.101]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.821 -0400 Details path: 99 [2.732889.25404.101.1]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.821 -0400 Details file reference creation failed [2.732889.25404.101.2]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.821 -0400 Details IO exception [2.732889.25404.101.2.1]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.822 -0400 #debug# API: FSPathMakeRef [2.732889.25404.101.2.2]
2007-08-01 02:00:13.822 -0400 #debug# OSErr: -43 [2.732889.25404.101.2.3]

I'm really not sure what the "path: 99" stuff is about, but I note that when we were initially setting up accounts on the server, we got something wrong on one account with respect to the home folder or profile folder setting. When the user tried to log in, he ended up in a folder he couldn't write to. After he logged out, I found a folder called "99" at the top level of the server. The only thing inside it was a Library folder, which contained a "Preferences" folder, and there were a few pref files inside that. Since it was obviously an error, we deleted the entire "99" folder. Fixed the user's account info, and have had no further problems with that, but that may have been when these QRecall errors started.
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576
You might want to check your NetInfo database. I suspect that a partial user account with a home folder path of "99" still exists.

Internally, QRecall uses the list of defined user accounts to generate a number of programmatically created filters. The "trash" and "cache" filters are two such filters, as there are trash and cache folders relative to every user's home folder. If a user account contains an invalid home path, the filter creation will fail, which is exactly what you're seeing in the log.

Aside from the onslaught of log messages, it shouldn't affect the capture since QRecall simply failed to create an exclusion filter for a bunch of folders that don't exist.

- QRecall Development -
Bruce Giles

Joined: May 19, 2007
Messages: 66
James Bucanek wrote:You might want to check your NetInfo database. I suspect that a partial user account with a home folder path of "99" still exists.

I don't see anything like that. There's a user called "unknown" with a GID of 99, and also a group called "unknown" with a GID of 99, but those appear to be normal, since they're in the NetInfo database of every Mac I've looked at.

Anyway, as you noted, it's apparently not a QRecall problem. Thanks!
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576
Version 1.0.0(46) now ignore users with invalid home directory paths.

This should eliminate the repeated errors you are seeing when constructing capture filters for that user.

- QRecall Development -
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