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Problem getting Capture Assistant to run RSS feed
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Tim Cox

Joined: Jan 18, 2016
Messages: 7

I've been happily using QRecall to back up my MacBook to an external USB drive, for several months. I had it set up to backup as soon as the USB drive is connected (directly.) Today I found the automatic backup failed to start and when I checked I found I have no ~/Library/QRecall/Actions/ folder any more. I have no idea how that got lost, but anyway, I attempted to run the QRecall Capture Assistant but I cannot get past the 3rd pane, containing 'A new archive' or 'An existing archive'. I've tried various permutations of the options on panes 1 & 2, but still cannot get past pane 3. I can click the buttons but nothing happens - the state doesn't toggle. And so I can get no further. Does this ring any bells? I cannot imagine what I have done to cause this

I'm using a 2015 MacBook, OS X 10.11.2, Filevault on. This had been all working fine from last November until last week. I can still open the actual QRecall archive and it looks OK. It seems more like I have a problem with the QRecall installation?
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568

Sorry to hear you're having trouble. First of all, did you try restoring your actions from your QRecall archive? They're just documents in the ~/Library/Preferences/QRecall/Actions folder. If they just got accidentally removed, that would at least restore them.

I'll look into the problem with the assistant. In the mean time, please send a diagnostic report (Help > Send Report) so I can check other details, like what version of QRecall you're using and so on.

- QRecall Development -
Tim Cox

Joined: Jan 18, 2016
Messages: 7
Thanks for the rapid response! I have sent the diagnostic report.
Yes, I did try, and succeeded, in restoring the folder ~Library/Preferences/QRecall/Actions from my backup.
However, I cannot get them to run any more?!**! 'Run Immediately' of my simple 'Capture Miranda' (name of my startup volume on the MacBook) does nothing. Neither does unmounting and remounting my USB backup drive (which should trigger the backup).
I'm completely at a loss what I have misadvertently done to break QRecall! QRecallMonitor & QRecallScheduler are both running according to Activity Monitor.
Tim Cox

Joined: Jan 18, 2016
Messages: 7
Aha, the reason I couldn't get my 'Capture' Action to run was because of the schedule filter, which deactivates it for 30 min/24h.
Once I removed that, a direct backup runs OK, and is now underway.
But I still cannot get the Assistant to work. I also find I cannot set up a new Action - when I click 'Choose' for the archive to use, nothing happens. (But I found I can copy an existing Action and edit that, which is how I got the above immediate backup to run.)
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568

I definitely know what your problem is. You're still running QRecall 1.2.3. QRecall 1.2 is not fully compatible with Yosemite (OS X 10.10) and exhibits a number of serious problems in El Capitan (OS X 10.11).

QRecall 2.0 is still in beta, but is stable and very close to a final release. You can jump on the beta bandwagon now if you like (http://www.qrecall.com/download/) or wait until 2.0 is officially released, at which time it will show up and an automatic update for 1.2.

Just be aware that QRecall 1.2 is incapable of correctly capturing a OS X 10.11 system or its applications, although it should do an adequate job of capturing all of your user documents. Everything you have captured with 1.2 can be restored by QRecall 2.0.

- QRecall Development -
Tim Cox

Joined: Jan 18, 2016
Messages: 7
Thanks for the follow-up. Stupid me for not following news more carefully.
I'll move to the 2.0 Beta immediately.
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