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Can't select "A Folder" when using Capture Assistant RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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SoCal Cal

Joined: Feb 28, 2016
Messages: 1
I can't seem to select "A Folder" when using Capture Assistant. I have no problems selecting "Startup Volume", "My Home Folder" or "A Volume", but "A Folder" just won't stick. I've tried hitting the "Choose" button below it and it does nothing. Any suggestions? Thanks!
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1568
I've tried, and I can't reproduce this problem (at least on the three systems I tried it on).

Try to reproduce it, and then send a diagnostic report (in the QRecall app, choose Help > Send Report…). It may be a compatibility issue with an earlier version of OS X.

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