In his release notes to b46, James wrote:Shifted Quanta Detection is now self balancing. At its middle settings, it will automatically adjust the amount of shifted data analysis performed to maintain an even load on the CPU and disk I/O. At its highest setting, no balancing is done; every single byte is analyzed regardless of the performance cost.
This makes it sound as if Shifted Quanta Detection settings are user configurable, but I finding where this was done -- until, of course, I opened an archive.
I initially thought this would be a app-wide setting so looked in Preferences.
I've been thinking about this and decided that your choice of a per archive setting is much more logical and flexible. I'm just wondering if there couldn't be a mechanism to change the settings that wouldn't require an archive to actually be opened.
Perhaps the preferences window is not the most unlikely spot for this? I don't know how often I would change these settings, but it would be nice if I could do it without waiting for my, by now, very large archives to open.
Best wishes and thanks for the tremendous work on this update!