I was undescribable delighted when I read this new feature in the 2.1 release notes:
If you attempt to log out, shutdown, or restart while (monitored) actions are running, the activity monitor will let you stop the actions, reschedule them to run later, or hold the shutdown until they finish.
I am backing up to an archive on a NAS, and regularly when shutting down my Mac or putting it to sleep while an archive operation is still in progress, the archive usually becomes corrupt and I need to repair it (taking about a whole day) before I can work with it again after the next boot. That option, I figured, would prevent this from happening in the future.
Alas, shortly after I installed the new version and inadvertently restarted my Mac some time later, a backup operation was still in progress. What then happened was that from the monitor window, a sheet opened that should let me make my choice before the restart/shutdown continued. However, at that time, (a) my mouse was inoperable, (b) as was my keyboard, so I couldn?t operate that dialog sheet, and Mac OS continued its shutdown procedure, closing all apps, blanking the desktop to black (with the sheet still showing from the monitor window, but inoperable), and (c) finally the Mac shutting down completely, taking the QRecall monitor window with it. Result of course was that the archive needed repairing afterwards.
I am running on Mac OS 10.11.6.
Are there any specific circumstances where the prevention of shutdown would not work? Does the Advanced preference ?Actions Run as a Background Process? have any influence on this feature? I
think I had it set to ?false? already at that time.
Maybe best thing for me is to create a tiny test archive (where repairing is cheap) and try a shutdown again. James, in case what I described is not the way it should work, is there any special debugging I should turn on before further testing? Any specific Advanced Preference values to set? Any specific procedure to try to generate best possible logging info? I?ll gladly test and investigate this further, as it is such a welcome and vital feature for me: preventing archive corruption due to accidental Mac shutdown/sleep.
Thanks for any guidance,