Hello Clive,
Thanks for posting your log files. I've identified at least one of your problems. The initial problem is due to your external drive going off-line when the computer was put to sleep during a capture. Here are the log records of interest:
2007-09-28 16:30:07.171 +0200 #debug# -[DiskArbitrationSteward fireDiskDisappearedNotification:] id=disk1s3
2007-09-28 16:30:07.688 +0200 #debug# -[DiskArbitrationSteward fireDiskDisappearedNotification:] id=disk1s1
2007-09-28 16:30:07.688 +0200 #debug# -[DiskArbitrationSteward fireDiskDisappearedNotification:] id=disk1
2007-09-28 16:30:16.149 +0200 #debug# -[QuantumScheduler powerDidChangeNotification:] PDPowerManagementPoweredOn
These records indicate that your system was woken up from sleeping at 16:30. At the same time, your first external drive (disk1) went off-line.
2007-09-28 16:30:16.895 +0200 Failure Could not capture the_killers-when_you_were_young.mp3
2007-09-28 16:30:17.033 +0200 Details File: Macintosh HD:Users:clivegolding

2007-09-28 16:30:17.033 +0200 Caution Problems processing items
2007-09-28 16:30:17.033 +0200 Details archive I/O error
2007-09-28 16:30:17.033 +0200 Details Data exception
2007-09-28 16:30:17.034 +0200 Details Cause: <IO> cannot convert FSRef to path { API=FSRefMakePath, OSErr=-35 }
2007-09-28 16:30:17.108 +0200 Failure Problem closing archive
Immediately, QRecall fails attempting to write to the archive. OSErr -35 is a "volume not found" error, and is consistent with your external drive going off-line.
So my assessment is that your external drive went off-line when the computer was put to sleep. I have a client with an external FireWire drive that does this. It's very annoying. Regardless, there's nothing the QRecall can do if the volume containing the archive its writing to is disconnected mid-capture.
Normally, I'd shrug this sort of thing off. It happens to me. You simply repair the archive and capture again. Sadly, your situation gets worse. When you (correctly) attempted to repair the archive you encountered this:
2007-10-01 00:50:45.231 +0200 Failure Failed
2007-10-01 00:50:45.301 +0200 Details envelopePosition==badRegionPosition at 56270705832
2007-10-01 00:50:45.301 +0200 Details NSInternalInconsistencyException exception
2007-10-01 00:50:45.332 +0200 Command failed
2007-10-01 00:50:45.332 +0200 An internal program error occured. Please report this problem to the developer.
2007-10-01 00:50:45.334 +0200 ------- Repair incomplete (51:02)
You ran into a bug in the repair procedure that fails to deal with incomplete packages that occur at the end of the file. This has already been fixed, but a version with this fix has not been released.
Until you can repair the archive, there's not much you can do with it.
You have a couple of options:
You can delete the corrupted archive and capture the files again, making sure the computer does not go to sleep during the capture. You might also want to test to see if your external volumes are indeed getting unmounted when your computer is put to sleep -- something that should not be happening.
You can sit tight for a few days. A new release of QRecall is eminent, and the latest version should allow you to repair your damaged archive.