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Scheduler error message RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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Charles Watts-Jones

Joined: Oct 14, 2007
Messages: 57
Location: France
I've just started trying QRecall which I'd like to adopt in place of Data Backup. As the latter has given trouble, I check all backup log files fairly often. QRecall's file is showing the message 'Scheduler version mismatch' which is 'a problem that requires my attention'. Unfortunately I can't find guidance on what I should do in the help file and would appreciate advice.

-- Charles
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576
Charles Watts-Jones wrote:I've just started trying QRecall which I'd like to adopt in place of Data Backup. As the latter has given trouble, I check all backup log files fairly often.

Good for you. Most people aren't that vigilant about backups.

QRecall's file is showing the message 'Scheduler version mismatch' which is 'a problem that requires my attention'. Unfortunately I can't find guidance on what I should do in the help file and would appreciate advice.

This warning is normal whenever you upgrade QRecall. When you upgrade QRecall, the new version just started doesn't match the version of the scheduler that's running in the background. The newer version tells the old version to stop, and then it restarts a new scheduler. One side effect is the message you see in the log.

So it's perfectly normal for this to occur once. If it's occurring more than once, or at other times, then that's a bug that needs to be investigated.

The wording on this message in this situation is overly harsh. I'll add a to-do item to suppress the message during an update since its expected.

- QRecall Development -
Charles Watts-Jones

Joined: Oct 14, 2007
Messages: 57
Location: France
You write:

> If it's occurring more than once, or at other times, then
> that's a bug that needs to be investigated.

As far as I can tell from the log file, this happens every time that I log in or restart. It is not happening when QRecall runs. And I should add that I'm running beta 47 and have never changed version.

-- Charles
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576
Then by all means, please send me your log files. You'll find them in <your home folder>/Library/Logs/QRecall. The easiest thing to do is simply zip up the entire QRecall folder (from the Finder, use File > Create Archive of 'QRecall').

You can upload them to the forum for forward them to me via private e-mail.

- QRecall Development -
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1576

Thanks for sending me your log files. It turns out that this is a bug in the QRecall Monitor application. That's the little status window that lets you monitor QRecall without keeping the application open.

When you first boot up, the monitor attempts to contact the scheduler. But at that point the scheduler often isn't running yet. It logs a message that it couldn't contact the scheduler (correct), but then also logs a warning that the scheduler version is wrong (which it shouldn't do unless its actually connected with the scheduler).

I've fixed the code. You can safely ignore the warning until the next release of QRecall.

Thanks for helping me track that down.


- QRecall Development -
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