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Feature for flagging or marking files in the item browser RSS feed
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Nico Dudek

Joined: Aug 29, 2018
Messages: 17
Hi James,

now as a QRecall Newbie I slowly try to get into your marvellous piece of software. I really like it although
its approch is so different from other backup software. Needs some time I guess to get things right.

I just archived my hard drive successfully. Now after a new clean install of High Sierra I want to recall
my archive, BUT not all files. So with a lot of files after a while I could become confused what files I already
recalled because the recalled files are spreaded over the whole archive. So I thought it would be great
to mark items in the item browser (flags, colors...whatever) to see what files already have been recalled.

Is something possible like this or just too much huzzle?

Best Nico
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572

That's an interesting idea, and certainly nothing I ever thought of.

I suppose it wouldn't be too difficult to implement, but it would take me awhile to consider its utility and an interface. I'll put it on the "wish list" for now.

In the mean time, there is the log. The log will list each recall action and the items that were recalled. You can also search the log for a specific item if you think you already recalled it.

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