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Beta Version Expired... RSS feed
Forum Index » Beta Version
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Gary K. Griffey

Joined: Mar 21, 2009
Messages: 156
Now that it is July 1st....the Beta version is saying that it's expired on each launch...

Is there a new beta version available?
Steve Mayer

Joined: Oct 25, 2008
Messages: 70

When I got the dialog that the beta had expired, I clicked on the 'Update' button and it shows a new version available to download.

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1572

I has hoped to have the new beta up a few days ago, but some last minute bug and UI changes ran it down to the wire. The new version (1.2.0b37) is up. Choose QRecall > Check for Updates... if it doesn't prompt you automatically.

Sorry for cutting it so close to the expiration date.

P.S. For those using permanent identity keys, you can choose to ignore the "Beta expired" message. Only a beta identity key expires with the application. Permanent keys continue to work with whatever version you are running.

- QRecall Development -
Gary K. Griffey

Joined: Mar 21, 2009
Messages: 156
James...thanks for the update...I am, of course, using a permanent key...so the message was more of a nuisance than anything else...

Steve...thanks for the reply...but no new version was available at the time I posted the message..

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