Tellan, If I understand your question correctly, QRecall does not skip items during a recall. It will skip over items that it is reasonably sure have not been modified during a capture action, but the same rules can't be applied during a recall action. When restoring items, QRecall replaces items in their entirety with the version captured in the archive. To improve performance, it will read existing items and compare their data with the version in the archive. The existing item will be overwritten only if it is different, but the ultimate result is that every items on the destination volume will either be rewritten or compared in its entirety. During a recall, QRecall does not skip items that merely appear to be the same. An existing item's metadata is insufficient to guarantee that the item is identical to the version stored in the archive. The only way to be sure that the restored items are identical to their captured versions is to write, overwrite, or compare all of them.