That's a really interesting issue.
The problem is that the QRecall scheduler calculates, and remembers, a number of times associated with each action. Because some of your actions ran in the future, it's now waiting for a time beyond that date to occur?which is a couple of months away.
The first thing to try is to get the scheduler to recalculate the run time for the action. Open the action in QRecall, make a minor change (i.e. click a checkbox), set it back, and save the action. Any change to an action will cause the scheduler to reevaluate its schedule, which should reset its next run time.
If that doesn't do the trick, here's the hammer:
- Hold down the Option+Shift keys and choose QRecall > Quit and Uninstall. - Locate and trash the ~/Library/Preferences/com.qrecall.scheduler.plist file(s). - Launch QRecall and reauthorize it.
This will clear the scheduler's state and cause it to forget everything it knows about when actions were run and when they should run next.