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Problems and Bugs

Struck on "gathering changes"
Answers: 4
Author: Alexandre Takacs
Last message: 9 years ago by Alexandre Takacs

Volume restore won't boot
Answers: 5
Author: Charles Stembridge
Last message: 9 years ago by James Bucanek

Unable to add to Exclude files list
Answers: 0
Author: Ralph Strauch
Last message: 9 years ago by Ralph Strauch

Backup failure --
Answers: 2
Author: Ralph Strauch
Last message: 9 years ago by Ralph Strauch

Runtime Question - Mac to NAS
Answers: 1
Author: john g
Last message: 10 years ago by James Bucanek

Why ask for authorization every launch, even when pre-authorized?
Answers: 5
Author: Schmye Bubbula
Last message: 10 years ago by Schmye Bubbula

[Clip] QRecall crashed when compacting
Answers: 10
Author: Ming-Li Wang
Last message: 10 years ago by Ming-Li Wang

Diagnostic help needed
Answers: 4
Author: Ralph Strauch
Last message: 10 years ago by Ralph Strauch

QRecall just isn't working on one of my machines
Answers: 2
Author: Mark Bellon
Last message: 10 years ago by James Bucanek

/System/Library/Caches not excluded
Answers: 3
Author: Ming-Li Wang
Last message: 10 years ago by James Bucanek

Archive Repair problem
Answers: 3
Author: Ralph Strauch
Last message: 10 years ago by James Bucanek

Where to send crash reports?
Answers: 1
Author: Alex Harper
Last message: 10 years ago by James Bucanek

Status window not clearing
Answers: 4
Author: Ralph Strauch
Last message: 10 years ago by James Bucanek

Error on opening archive
Answers: 3
Author: Mats Jacobson
Last message: 1 decade ago by James Bucanek

Exclude hidden file / folde from capture
Answers: 3
Author: Alexandre Takacs
Last message: 1 decade ago by James Bucanek

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