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Deleted Actions still trying to run! RSS feed
Forum Index » Problems and Bugs
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David Stevens

Joined: Mar 7, 2008
Messages: 10
hi ,

I had a series of actions set up to backup my whole laptop to an external drive attached to a Mac Mini on my Airport network.

For whatever reason, it never completed any of the actions, and so I decided to give up on that until I get a Time Capsule (which hopefully _will work!).

So I deleted the actions in the QRecall window on my laptop (MacBookPro). But every morning I find the QRecall Activity monitor up on my laptop, with the deleted Compact and Merge actions shown (Stopping). How do I make these go away! And should I have removed the Actions in a different way?


James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
David Stevens wrote:I had a series of actions set up to backup my whole laptop to an external drive attached to a Mac Mini on my Airport network.

For whatever reason, it never completed any of the actions, and so I decided to give up on that until I get a Time Capsule (which hopefully _will work!).
I can't think of any obvious reason why that shouldn't have worked. If you'd send me you log file(s) (~/Library/Logs/QRecall) I'd be interested in finding out exactly what went wrong.

So I deleted the actions in the QRecall window on my laptop (MacBookPro). But every morning I find the QRecall Activity monitor up on my laptop, with the deleted Compact and Merge actions shown (Stopping). How do I make these go away! And should I have removed the Actions in a different way?
No, removing the actions from the actions window should delete them.

The folder ~/Library/Preferences/QRecall/Actions contains your action documents. If you've deleted all of the actions the Actions window and you still see them in the Actions folder, then something's wrong. Again, your log file might contain some clues.

If you haven't restarted, you might try that and see if that fixes the problem. Let me know if it does, as this would indicate that the scheduler wasn't notified that the actions were deleted.

- QRecall Development -
David Stevens

Joined: Mar 7, 2008
Messages: 10
hi James,
I tried clicking on the exclamation marks in the Activity window. A little message describing the problem came up, which I ok'ed. Shortly after that the error message faded out. I'll see if it's still gone tomorrow (the Activity was programmed for the middle of the night), and let you know.

James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
Ah, that might be it.

The warning triangle indicates that a problem occurred when the action ran. The action's status will remain in the activity window indefinitely until you click on the warning button and dismiss the error.

- QRecall Development -
David Stevens

Joined: Mar 7, 2008
Messages: 10
That _was it. I didn't realise that you had to click and view the messages to dismiss them.


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