Consider the following scenario:
I deleted a file between "capture #6" (that originates Layer #6) and "capture #7".
In the file browser pane I can easily verify that operation making use of timelines (with deleted files visible): timeline of the file in object stops in correspondence of Layer 6.
I also would like to be able to find all the files deleted between two captures (in the example, capture 6 and 7).
When I restrict the view to a single layer, I would like to see ALL changes occurred between that Layer capture and the capture before (in the example, shading all layers except Layer 7 I could see all changes between capture 6 and capture 7).
Qr's already working this way for modified files but not for deleted files.
I know that, "technically" speaking, that's a non sense: if the file is deleted before capture 7, Layer 7 (and above) will know nothing about that file.
QR, analyzing a single Layer, should also taking into consideration the previous layer ONLY to show the deleted file.
Maybe there's a better solution (in this case I'm sure James will be able to find it

P.S. I was one of the guys suffering from "extended attributes issue" (I'm using Skim) and release 1.2.0(64) completely solved the problems. Great work!