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Thank-you. Where do I find the 'advanced settings page'?
I have been very happy with incrementals on QRecall. Normally they have taken about 5-10 minutes on a 600G drive. Today, however, it is about 4 hours and about half done. I do notice in the logs that "filesystem change history expired". I suspect that is the problem. I found in another thread that the 'timeout' is 6.9 days. However, my last backup was only 5 days ago. I tried to read the value by using: defaults read com.qrecall.client QRAuditFileSystemHistoryDays, but it reports it does not exist. Related: is the 6.9 days since last backup or since last full backup? I did an initial capture Feb 5 then subsequently on 8, 10, 13, and 15. Only on the 20th did this full backup occur. While this is mildly annoying, what is more annoying is that my 12GB real memory system is brought almost to it's knees during the backup process. I read about QRecall using as much memory as it can... I read that with systems over (was it 10GB) it uses 8G of memory. Is that parameter adjustable to reduce the interference with other work especially if it is going to take all day to do it's backup. BTW, I keep VM disabled due to other issues with Mavericks' interaction with VM. Normally I would think that allowing VM would slow things still further. Since the full backups seem to be unpredictable (to me), and since enabling VM requires reboot, it is hard to do even if it is a solution. BTW, top and activity monitor disagree on memory using. Top says kernel is using 15G, AM says 4.87G (might be due to compression?). QRecall helper is using 1.13G and 578M in AM and 10G and 6G in top. MacOS 10.9.5 early 2009 Mac Pro Recommendations?
Thank-you... I understand a little better.
I am just evaluating QRecall. I started a capture of a 500GB disk. First I tried clicking on Capture in the Archive Window after creating a new Archive and creating a new action. I discovered that the Action I created was ignored and it was just doing a complete capture of the disk ignoring the action. I also noticed after about 4 hours it was stuck about 2/3 through showing a speed of 6MB per minute. Reading this forum I thought it was probably being held by the Time Machine bug so I decided to unclick the item about using the Time Machine info for skipping. Then I tried to stop the capture. I found no way to kill it! there Suspend icon is grayed out and even quitting QRecall does not stop it (as advertised). I tried creating a new Archive and switching to that but when I tried a new capture it insisted in using the old one. I finally deleted the archive tree but the file system would not release the space and I rebooted. Then I could start over. Is there an approved method of stopping a capture without rebooting the computer? I am using 10.9.5 and QRecall 1.2.3. I hope the above was sufficiently complete to get the idea. BTW, a full TM backup only took 3 hours and a full Carbon Copy Cloner backup roughly the same, so being only 2/3 done in 4 hours was not really what I expected.
Ah, I see. "On-line" confused me thinking it meant the web site. Thank-you.
It says there is full documentation on-line, but I sure cannot find it. Where does one look?