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James, I'd just done an upgrade of TechToolPro 4 to 5 and with this recreated the TechToolPro emergency drive partition. As this is a on-the-fly recreation of partitions on my main HD, obviously the size of my main partition changed slightly. Would this cause QRecall to see this HD as a new object and cause a complete recapture of the data? What I'm seeing is that in the "Owners and Volumes" drawer, there are now two entries for my "Macintosh HD". One contains the layers prior to the upgrade of TechToolPro 5 and the other contains the layers after the upgrade. Thanks, Steve
James, Thanks for the education. I had added these in a while back as I was investigating increasing network speed on my laptop. Can't say that after removing them I'm honestly seeing too much of a difference in speed.<G> Call it ignorance on my part... As I said before, it's possible something changed in 10.5.6 that exacerbated my already flawed config...  I verified that another run last night worked successfully also. I'm considering this matter closed, lesson learned, and definitely appreciate the support. Steve
Latest update... I removed the following from my sysctl.conf file (and rebooted): kern.ipc.maxsocbuf=16777216 net.inet.tcp.sockthreshold=0 net.inet.tcp.sendspace=8388608 net.inet.tcp.recvspace=8388608 net.inet.tcp.mssdflt=1440 The backup went through this time. Free memory did get down to 15MB, but the swap was never over 6.5 MB and the machine didn't choke. This was saving to the same NAS location. None of the "Treason uncloaked!" error messages in the NAS logs either. I'll let you know if I run into any other issues. Thanks again, Steve
Okay, so I tried my full back up on my PPC iMac. This archive is about 2/3 the size of the one from the Macbook and it succeeded (saving to the same NAS). I had some tweaks in place on the Macbook in the /etc/sysctl.conf file. I've removed them for now and am going to attempt another shot at the backup to see if something odd is going on with the networking since 10.5.6. I'll be back...
More info. I'm backing up to a Netgear ReadyNAS Duo (been working great for this) and when the QRecallHelper process seems to hang, after a while I get the following in the NAS debug logs: Dec 18 15:49:03 nas1 kernel: TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 2485101120:2485129584. Repaired. Dec 18 15:51:03 nas1 kernel: TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 2485101120:2485129584. Repaired. Dec 18 15:53:03 nas1 kernel: TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 2485101120:2485129584. Repaired. Dec 18 15:55:03 nas1 kernel: TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 2485101120:2485129584. Repaired. Dec 18 15:57:03 nas1 kernel: TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 2485101120:2485129584. Repaired. Dec 18 19:00:23 nas1 kernel: TCP: Treason uncloaked! Peer shrinks window 2641438214:2641466678. Repaired. Wonder if Apple did something with the window scaling in 10.5.6??? At this point, I have 56M of Free RAM, 1.47GB of inactive RAM, QRecall is in a (Not Respoding) state in Activity Monitor. QRecallHelper is showing 455.92MB of Real memory and 1.64GB of virtual memory. Thanks, Steve
James, I've uploaded a diagnostic report. What you mention in your last paragraph appears to be what is happening on my machine. I've seen the virtual memory up to 5.7GB when this happens and I've rebooted the machine. I'll keep Activity Monitor running and see if I can get you some more numbers. Thanks, Steve
All, Is anyone else seeing problems with QRecall after applying the 10.5.6 update from Apple? I've got an action that backs up my entire hard drive ever three days, so I didn't notice this until this morning when I got up and my machine was hung with just 7 MB of RAM free. I've narrowed this down to QRecall. It seems that as the action runs, my Free RAM drops in proportion to the progress of the backup job till QRecall itself hangs and the machine is left in an unusable state. The archive in question is about 39.2GB. I've been able to successfully do a verify on the archive without any issues with memory usage. Only during a capture does this memory usage become an issue. My machine is a MacbookPro with 3 GB of RAM installed. All of this was working perfectly for a few months (since I purchased QRecall) and seems too much of a coincidence with the application of the 10.5.6 update to dismiss. I don't see anything in the Console logs when this occurs, nor anything in the QRecall logs. What else can I look for here or any other information I can provide to help troubleshoot this? Thanks, Steve EDIT: Note that the Inactive memory grows in proportion to the Free memory decrease. Almost like a memory leak of some sort.
James, Thanks for confirming this. On my initial archive window I based this on, there are not enough layers to show a scroll bar when resized, and due to the scrollbar sizing issue, there are just enough to make the scroll bar too small (hope that makes sense...). Steve
Doh! I had tried resizing the window, but not the top layer section. I've found out part of the issue I think: 1. I've got OSX configured to have double arrows at the top and bottom of the scroll bar. 2. I believe that because this "reserves" certain scroll bar real estate for the arrows, once a window shrinks to a certain size, even if there enough items to warrant the scroll bar showing up, it will not as the window has shrunk down to a size smaller than will allow for both sets of double arrows plus the scroll bar. Thanks for the advice, Steve
Hi, I'm using version 1.1.0(37) and just discovered a problem on one of my machines. When I've opened an archive, the scrollbar for the layer window is missing the scrollbar completely. The list window at the bottom has its scrollbar, but not the top layer window. This is on an iMac G5 running OSX 10.5.5. On my Intel MacBook Pro running the same os version and QRecall version, I'm not seeing this issue. Any ideas? Here's a screenshot Thanks, Steve