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Will QReccal support other languages ? RSS feed
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Joined: Dec 6, 2008
Messages: 1

I am on the market for a backup software and so far, my trial of QRecall is a good experience.
However, it is difficult to deploy at home or at work because only a few of us are english speaking.

Do you plan to support other languages (French, spanish, german...)

Thank you
James Bucanek

Joined: Feb 14, 2007
Messages: 1569
Bernard LECLAIR wrote:Do you plan to support other languages (French, spanish, german...)

I would love to localize QRecall to other languages, but the resources and time required to translate it aren't currently available. I've put localization on the to-do list for version 1.3 (which is tentatively scheduled for the summer of 2009). I'll seriously look into it again then.

If anyone else would like to see QRecall translated into another language please let me know and cast a vote for what language, or languages, you'd like to have.

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