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Suggestions and Feedback

Rotate usage of CPU cores to distribute temperature?
Answers: 5
Author: maxbraketorque
Last message: 9 months ago by jakabasej4

Cloud Backup Solution
Answers: 5
Author: Bernd Stein
Last message: 2 years ago by Simon Back

Quick update?
Answers: 1
Author: David Ramsey
Last message: 3 years ago by James Bucanek

Feature for flagging or marking files in the item browser
Answers: 1
Author: Nico Dudek
Last message: 6 years ago by James Bucanek

Notes on six years of experience with QRecall
Answers: 0
Author: Kenneth Roe
Last message: 6 years ago by Kenneth Roe

Pre / Post execution scripts
Answers: 2
Author: Alexandre Takacs
Last message: 6 years ago by Alexandre Takacs

Dark mode for Qrecall?
Answers: 3
Author: Charles Robinson
Last message: 6 years ago by Charles Robinson

Excluding files by type or regular expression or filesystem glob or ...
Answers: 2
Author: Byron Weber Becker
Last message: 7 years ago by Byron Weber Becker

is this another valid way of thinking about it?
Answers: 3
Author: Mike M
Last message: 8 years ago by James Bucanek

Regular expressions for files I want to omit from a layer?
Answers: 2
Author: John C Beatty
Last message: 8 years ago by John C Beatty

How about comment tags for layers?
Answers: 7
Author: Bruce Giles
Last message: 8 years ago by James Bucanek

Indication in the status window that the archive is encrypted
Answers: 3
Author: Paul Mann
Last message: 8 years ago by James Bucanek

Ransomware defense??
Answers: 1
Author: Ralph Strauch
Last message: 9 years ago by James Bucanek

Feature requests for the scheduling of Actions
Answers: 10
Author: Norbert Karls
Last message: 10 years ago by James Bucanek

Names of capture Actions
Answers: 1
Author: Kenneth Roe
Last message: 1 decade ago by James Bucanek

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